Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [v-ing] to " in BNC.

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1 In 1786 , when the true age of man was only just beginning to be appreciated , Anglo-Saxon remains were first identified as such .
2 That there were many factors to be considered is shown by the fact that in 1880 the depression was only just beginning to be felt by industry , while it had already hit agriculture badly .
3 Alas , I was only just beginning to be visually aware , but to the extent to which I have grown in such awareness over the years I believe it was Basil and Ruth who started to make me look and see .
4 She sounded astonished , and I knew that the real danger of the moment was only just occurring to her .
5 Ringa Hustle … was one of the last dogs to go into the traps at wimbledon on Saturday … he was drawn in three alongside his kennel mate Lassa Java … the derby is the race of the year for greyhounds … 40,000 to the winner and there was only ever going to be one winner …
6 Yeah I mean like when I was in the park I only did it between because I was only really talking to one person at one time , but I mean like I could n't remember anywhere .
7 She was just like talking to herself , she 's going
8 Perhaps he was contemplating his own life with Vivien here just as , when he connected McKnight Kauffer 's death with a sense of " the void " , he was once again returning to his own feeling of emptiness which had played so large a part in his religious conversion .
9 He had closed his eyes again and was once more listening to his voices .
10 By July , however , both Wolfgang and Constanze were ill , and Mozart was once more writing to Puchberg for money , in view of his inability to work .
11 She was always there trying to be what he wanted and she wanted to make things great for him .
12 Jennie preferred to stay and supervise ; she was always backstage seeing to their make-up :
13 Occasionally , we heard rocket fire and guessed , from the heavy propaganda on both the Christian television stations , that it was between Geagea 's Lebanese Forces militia and the army of General Aoun , who was still apparently claiming to be the true President of Lebanon .
14 An hour later she was still happily chatting to the woman , finding out about the terrible Harry who had ‘ torn the heart ’ right out of her daughter and gone off with a woman from Cork , which naturally led on to the dreadful and often incomprehensible ways of men and the stupid way women always put up with it .
15 Her body was already responding , although her mind was still stubbornly clinging to the last few threads of resistance .
16 The rise of ‘ green ’ issues , indeed , was more naturally appealing to Labour or Alliance politicians , and a powerful reminder of the rich variety of resistance to Thatcherism that British society could release .
17 A Whig tract of 1711 argued that " The Revolution was almost entirely owing to them [ Tories ] " , whilst the Nonconformist Daniel Defoe repeatedly replied to the charge made by High Churchmen in Anne 's reign that the Dissenters had been responsible for the murder of Charles , by reminding them what they " did to his Son " : " if they will go back to 48 , and provoke us to Recriminate , by telling us of Killing the Father ; let us bring them back to 88 , and tell them of Deposing the Son , and sending him Abroad to beg his Bread " .
18 Boldwood was no longer listening to her .
19 My Lord the started sum of money originally , sixty thousand pounds was the total loan and there were further overdraught facilities and and it 's the plaintiff 's case that without it it was simply not going to be manageable and as a result of that having thought carefully about erm , position it is his case that he rang Peter , told him that there were major problems in the financing of the deal and asked him if he could get him out of the contract because the finance he anticipated was no longer going to be available and it was his case that Peter advised him that there was no way out because contracts had been exchanged , er Mr was told very clearly that he was committed legally now to the deal and that he 'd better try and rearrange some finances since clearly they were moving towards er the completion date .
20 In this way hunger , in the sense of the desire for food , gradually disappeared , and I was no longer lying to myself or others about its absence .
21 Yes , I , I was actually just saying to my wife last night , erm , who would have ever thought that in the same year , we could have lost two of the greatest wing-halves , as they were in those days , but I suppose mid-field players they 'd be known as today , who 'd
22 She seemed to feel that if it could n't be her and Fred bashing about and howling and singing , nobody else was bloody well going to .
23 Establishing an overt research role was therefore always going to be a task of sisyphean labour , but the sensitivity of the topic and location made it more difficult than is usual in ethnographic research .
24 It was therefore always going to be a question of how many goals 'Mill were going to score .
25 Rosalba was never ever going to be one of them ; never , never .
26 A water supply was very slow coming to Baldersdale and never did arrive at Low Birk Hatt .
27 Sanity was very quickly returning to her , and it was n't a pleasant sensation .
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