Example sentences of "was [adv] [adj] of [art] " in BNC.

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1 The Baghdad government was duly appreciative of the fruits of economic co-operation , notably over oil-resource development , and a flow of military supplies .
2 He was intensely critical of the capping proposals in the Bill .
3 He was intensely aware of the importance of these ecclesiastical duties , and he carried out consecrations , and gave advice or judgements on discipline as necessary .
4 For a few moments I was intensely conscious of the tree and saw nothing else .
5 In general the causes could be : — the teacher was inadequately aware of the point — he concentrated on some other equally important point — the documentation was either misleading or did not adequately stress the point — the program presentation did not adequately support it .
6 In language that was strikingly reminiscent of the Khmers Rouges , a CPP official predicted that popular anger at the conduct of the election might lead to ‘ insurrection or riot ’ .
7 Indeed , she was rather proud of the magnificent logic with which she countered his Winchester admission .
8 He was rather proud of the Punch that had floored the Punk , and he was n't having Polly make mock of it .
9 Breeze was rather glad of the excuse to go out without Susan , because she could take this opportunity of returning Roger Kenyon 's wallet .
10 She was keenly aware of the smile which hovered round the old doctor 's lips .
11 As a cabinet minister he was keenly aware of the increasing weakness of the government , as James Craig , first Viscount Craigavon [ q.v. ] , prime minister since 1921 , lost control of affairs in the 1930s .
12 He was hurting her a little now , the arm around her waist like steel , so that she was hazily aware of a dull ache in the small of her back .
13 Mrs Thatcher was instinctively distrustful of the group .
14 He was instinctively sceptical of the Italian guerra celere ; wary of finding himself politically beholden to Italy in return for military aid ; opposed to the occupation of Valencia — the seat of the Republican government — by anyone other than Spaniards ; and desirous of prolonging the war .
15 Other relations had been bishops and aldermen , ‘ barristers-at-law ’ , but my father was most proud of an uncle who had invented Aero , a kind of chocolate with bubbles of air in it ( by accident , as it happened ) .
16 In particular it is important to appreciate that while the Americans frequently accused the British of old-fashioned colonialism , this did not necessarily mean that the spokesman or writer was wholly ignorant of the evolution of British imperial policies since Queen Victoria .
17 Later that day , and with a good half-inch of our respective hair on the floor of a Soho salon , we hit the black suede pump shop , where I was noiselessly relieved of a week 's rehearsal pay on a pair of boots the same as the ones which fell apart in three months last time and a pair of the suede pumps ( ‘ EVERYBODY 'S wearing them ! ’ ) which , one week later , were flat and circular like dinghies .
18 I was acutely aware of the urgent need to find some work to do , so I combed the national and local newspapers to see what was on offer .
19 He was acutely aware of the power of the airlines , especially Pan American , in Congress and in the administration , and he wanted to choose his ground carefully .
20 There is , in fact , every indication that Karajan was acutely aware of the temper of the times , though to find evidence of this we do not go to the random rag-bag of recordings he was permitted to make in the early 1940s but to what he immediately turned his mind to with Legge in Vienna in 1947 : Strauss 's Metamorphosen , a recording , still , of unparalleled intensity , and the Brahms German Requiem , a performance ( it was said to be one of Toscanini , s favourite records ) of unbearable directness and poignancy of utterance .
21 Lenin was acutely aware of the ferment from below and the potential for an alliance of all democratic elements in Russian society , spearheaded by the proletariat , which would destroy traditional authority .
22 She was acutely aware of the presence of Petion and the Marines around her , and felt somewhat guilty about using the advanced technology .
23 He was still standing there , behind her now , and she was acutely aware of the significance of that .
24 Polly was acutely aware of the contrast between his bronzed skin and the spotless white linen .
25 As Angel One advanced in turn and returned the formal pre-combat courtesy , he was acutely aware of the fact that they were being observed from the spectators ' gallery above .
26 In general , de Gaulle was acutely aware of the danger of being boxed in by his own institutions and losing the capacity to act as an individual and to exert his personal will .
27 Juliet found herself squeezed next to Dr Kent , and was acutely aware of the pressure of his body , and his faint aroma of spearmint and Savlon .
28 He was acutely conscious of the touch of Madeleine 's hand , which she seemed disinclined to remove .
29 Bent over at an ungainly angle , trying to wrench the thing free , Bernice was acutely conscious of the picture that she must be making .
30 He was acutely conscious of the fact that his life hung on a twitch of his captor 's trigger finger .
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