Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [adj] [that] " in BNC.

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1 But the basis of any such programme must be experimental result : ‘ Experimental proof was vastly more persuasive that theoretical prediction in controlled thermonuclear research , where an unexpected experimental outcome was more the rule than the exception . ’
2 The pain that tugged at the muscles of his stomach and chest was so intimately hurtful that he knew it was nothing but useless unspent emotion .
3 ‘ I was so desperately afraid that you would turn out to be the sort of person who cares only about money and possessions . ’
4 I was so physically tired that I slept as soundly as the corpses outside the window but , unlike them , awoke refreshed and went downstairs to a good breakfast .
5 Did he think he was so wonderfully interesting that
6 Roman was n't the type to lose control over any woman , and he was so powerfully attractive that she could n't imagine any woman turning him down .
7 This was so nearly true that she had the grace to feel slightly ashamed of herself .
8 They ranged from a tiny mouse , with lifelike whiskers and a twitchy nose , to a metre-high Pied Piper , whose grin was so wickedly triumphant that she almost expected to see the children of Hamlin following behind .
9 The schoolboy tight-head fancied himself as a hard man and was intent on working Elliot who , in fact , was so immensely strong that the lad can have been no more than the most minor of irritants .
10 Oh , yes — the thought of escaping back to Coniston was so utterly desirable that she had a job not to rush off and start packing her case .
11 My story concerns the last England cricket tour of South Africa in 1964–65 , when during the first morning of the Durban Test the pitch was so utterly dead that Peter Pollock , at full pace , could hardly get the ball bail-high and England 's batsmen were obviously headed for a huge total .
12 This was so overtly rude that Edouard was about to intervene ; but before he could speak , Grégoire rose to his feet .
13 On a Formica table it was so patently stupid that they left the shaking and washing and ironing of it to her in contempt .
14 ‘ The Land Rover broke down on my way back from Norwich , ’ he explained with an air of bewilderment that was so patently false that Hilary gave another reluctant smile .
15 Because he was so devilishly attractive that she could n't resist him ?
16 It was so hugely successful that it was still being broadcast long after they were both demobilized .
17 It was so cynically dismissive that she was momentarily speechless , and he added , ‘ Shall we go ? ’
18 Luke was so infuriatingly indifferent that Maria almost told him to forget it .
19 Brian was so thoroughly weak that marriage to Evelyn , dire as it was , was better than no framework to his life , since his working-class parents were children of a lesser god .
20 She had intended to return to the cottage in late evening , eleven at the least , but by seven o'clock she was so thoroughly depressed that she drove home .
21 At the extreme , some nuclear waste was so intensely radioactive that it had to be kept isolated from the human environment for thousands of years .
22 On the work front , he took a step nearer to what he thought would be a move towards transferring his energies to the other side of the camera and his next work was so outlandishly eccentric that perhaps in the year 1998 it will be rediscovered and offered as a superb example of long forgotten pop art of thirty years earlier .
23 One distinguished scientist was so indignantly incredulous that he seized Galambos by the shoulders and shook him while complaining that we could not possibly mean such an outrageous suggestion .
24 His voice was so unexpectedly kind that Sally-Anne 's anger drained away .
25 The literal world which she inhabited was so plainly hostile that she seized with ardour upon any references to any other mode of being ; she came across few direct ones , in that suburban and industrial spot , so she had to make do with the oblique .
26 Rejection was so icily painful that she caught her breath .
27 Unfortunately , the Budget was so unbelievably boring that it had the opposite effect .
28 She was so terribly alarmed that the egg which she held in her hand fell into the basin .
29 It was so damned unfair that she would never see them .
30 It was so damned unfair that Henry was n't the complete charlatan he should have been .
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