Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] to be " in BNC.

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1 I did that and was duly engaged to be a clerk in this pretty little mansion which housed the records of our fighting aircraft .
2 Inflation for the month of December was officially stated as 40.1 per cent but was unofficially recognized to be much higher .
3 A condition of the IMF loan was unofficially reported to be a 25 per cent reduction in public staff levels .
4 One of his discoveries was originally thought by some to be wrong as no one was able to replicate it for nearly two years ; however , Fleischmann was eventually proved to be correct .
5 It recommended that the honours course for full-time students should be four years in length , and it called on the DES to explore and resource such a departure — which was eventually to prove to be the pattern adopted .
6 He was conspicuously trying to be brave , but it was quite clear he had been devastated by the experience .
7 The notice of objection was expressly stated to be ‘ without prejudice to any challenge that may be made in any subsequent proceedings , for instance by way of an action in negligence . ’
8 It is difficult to understand why this screen — which was presumably intended to be a close-boarded fence — was needed , as the turnpike road is some distance away , one field beyond the other side of the river .
9 In short , I was tremendously flattered to be offered the job .
10 The first step in the modernization of TDC was to appoint someone to improve what was widely acknowledged to be an unacceptable situation .
11 Even so , to proclaim so dogmatically a single-figure norm ( instead of something attainable such as 10 per cent ) was widely perceived to be a mistake .
12 Prior to announcing his candidacy Bush had on Feb. 6 unveiled a health care package which was designed to overhaul the US health system and to win back the initiative on what was widely perceived to be an important electoral issue .
13 The Commission was widely believed to be the only hope of reversing the Ostflucht and was allocated vast sums of money by the Prussian government .
14 He was widely believed to be preparing to run for the post of President of the Republic , a post which would entail his departure from the trade union leadership .
15 Shaikh Saad urged Kuwaitis to overcome their political differences and promised , in what was widely believed to be a reference to the restoration of the 1962 constitution , that " the people of Kuwait can only be rewarded for their trust and loyalty by further trust " .
16 Saadi was widely believed to be involved in drug trafficking and corruption , and local public opinion had become increasingly incensed over the alleged involvement of members of the governor 's family in the death in September 1990 of a local teenager .
17 As one of Japan 's most senior political figures , prior to becoming ill Abe was widely believed to be the most likely successor to Prime Minister Toshiki Kaifu upon the expiry of his current term in October .
18 Marco Tulio Hernández , 28 , a member of the Honduran Human Rights Defence Committee and of the Committee of Relatives of Missing Detainees in Honduras was shot dead in San Pedro Sula on July 22 ; the military was widely believed to be responsible .
19 The Sultan 's endorsement of traditional Moslem values was widely believed to be a response to an increase in social problems , especially unemployment which increased from 3.6 per cent in 1988 to 6 per cent in 1989 .
20 Nevertheless , the Court 's recognition of a pre-1788 land claim was widely believed to be of immense symbolic significance .
21 The impasse in the latest round of negotiations was widely believed to be due to continued French opposition to US proposals for a cut in the volume of EC-subsidised cereal exports .
22 The group was led ostensibly by Duncan Sandys and the Progressive MP , Vernon Bartlett , but Winston Churchill was widely believed to be behind the movement .
23 The site of acetylation of 5-ASA was widely assumed to be the liver , but it has recently been shown that the human colonic epithelial cell is capable of acetylating 5-ASA , and that N-acetyltransferase activity is present in the cytosol .
24 Shinwell , always a better politician than administrator , was widely felt to be doing a poor job in this crucial economic ministry .
25 Lapper had certainly been guilty of conceit ( a wrought iron gate had been ordered with senior managers ' initials worked into it ) , but the sentence was interpreted as a politically motivated attack on wastrel public corporations , and was widely felt to be unjust .
26 It was widely recognized to be a very important contribution to quantum theory , and it won him the Nobel Prize in 1922 .
27 Chuter was widely expected to be offered the new position , and Spracklen believes that his offer to take it on unpaid was ‘ an embarrassment ’ to the ARA .
28 Nevertheless , although possessing a less extensive grant of power , the Commission was widely expected to be the dynamic element in further moves towards integration .
29 Gamsakhurdia 's term was to last only until direct presidential elections which the Supreme Soviet scheduled for May 26 , but he was widely expected to be returned to office .
30 In December he supported the formation of a new Moslem organization ( the Association of Moslem Intellectuals ) , which united a broad spectrum of Moslem interests and was widely expected to be the basis of support for his candidacy in 1993 [ see p. 37919 ] .
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