Example sentences of "was [adv] [noun] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But there was only misery for Middlesbrough as their treble hopes went up in smoke with a 4–2 defeat at home to Portsmouth in their replay .
2 With six large journalists aboard , all well filled with beer and sandwiches , there was scarcely room for Dyson to turn the wheel or change gear without jamming his elbow into Ted Hurwitz 's stomach .
3 There was just time for England and Australia to fit in the final Test before getting on with the serious business — serious to those for whom dollar signs are important — of dashing round the country playing game after game after game of the Benson and Hedges World Series Cup .
4 As the case was held over there was just time for Dorothy Hardisty to intervene .
5 She certainly believed in equality between the sexes , especially in the work place , but felt there was always room for courtesy and manners in what was becoming an increasingly uncaring society .
6 There was always room for improvement .
7 The main aim was to win new audiences and so there was always room for experiment , especially at the better end of the market .
8 There was still hope for Britain if the old qualities of stoicism and the knack of handling ‘ native ’ races could be combined with the scientific and management skills needed in the modern world .
9 Of course , the manner of her dismissal was still grounds for disgust — but hatred ?
10 So I confessed to a possibility , though it was only six weeks since Sintra and there was still room for doubt . ’
11 But the National Audit Office , using Finnish-based international forestry consultants , overseas visits and information from Canadian forests , concluded that there was still room for improvement .
12 What made the Sydney fiasco even more ludicrous was the fact that when the umpires halted play , there was still time for South Africa to face the two overs which were stolen from them !
13 Liverpool 's midweek exertions caught up with them in a low-key second period , but there was still time for Ian Rush to pass the latest in a seemingly endless list of personal landmarks .
14 There was still time for Frankie , if he was very quiet and very careful , to eat his fill .
15 Small electorates can be managed by politicians , and when the typical county might number forty to sixty freeholders in its electoral roll , while even one of the more extensive lists would rarely exceed 150 voters , many of whom would be nominally qualified , there was clearly opportunity for manipulation .
16 He only appeared when the boys were half way through supper ( corned-beef hash ) , and by then it was practically time for bed .
17 Paperwork was usually the farmer 's nightmare and , though most got it done , there was probably room for improvement .
18 There was also support for Paris House who was the subject of a bet of £11,000-£2,000 and cut to 5–1 .
19 This reminded him that it was nearly time for church , so he heaved himself to his feet and went to make some more coffee , this time for Mrs Frizzell as well .
20 The germination success , compared with a control with 35% was about 60% for seeds from the faeces .
21 It was now time for expansion .
22 It was almost time for Compline when Cadfael came from the gardens after his last round of the evening , and saw horsemen riding in at the gate .
23 There was barely time for Dorothy Hardisty to draw breath before Mrs Brodowitz , now , understandably , ‘ in a state of nerves ’ , came back with more news .
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