Example sentences of "was [adj] and [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 His face was chalk-white and wore a dazed expression , and the uniform he was wearing was crumpled and torn but thankfully he did n't appear to be badly injured .
2 So long as the boy was alive and had a chance of survival he was as much entitled to retain that chance as the others ; whereas in our problem it may be that the men who are cut away have no chance of survival at all .
3 the State both harassed the wealthy commoner with unpredictable exactions when he was alive and claimed a large proportion of his self acquired movable property when he died .
4 The taxi driver said that the man was well-dressed and had a black beard and pale face .
5 She was tall and had a slender enough waist for him to have spanned it with his hands , and he was amazed at how strongly he wished he could be given the chance .
6 Mr Justice Roch said that because the defendant was deaf and had a speech disability a social worker , Jill Hughes , would sit in the dock and translate .
7 A third party should be entitled to assume that a person in an authoritative position within an organisation is competent to bind the organisation , and the organisation should not be able to plead violation of an internal rule unless ‘ that violation was manifest and concerned a rule of its internal law of fundamental importance . ’
8 He was illiterate and possessed a limited knowledge of English , and had a partner who was unscrupulous ; he was utterly vulnerable , a lamb to the slaughter , taken in by a rotter .
9 She looked at him , smiling , and he thought she was beautiful , even though she was old and had a stiff , curly whisker or two on her chin .
10 I remember nothing there except a girl in the top class , who was fair-haired and had a bright complexion , and I see her now in my mind 's eye outstretched , lying upon her back on the floor .
11 Other girls at Group included ‘ Jolly Molly ’ — plump and good-natured ; Harriet , who was trying to improve her mind and always listened to the afternoon plays on BBC radio ( relayed to each hut over the Tannoy system ) ; Veronique , who was stage-mad and had a friend in the current London production of Lady Windermere 's Fan , and dough-faced Olive ( more about her a bit further on ) .
12 Nevertheless , his letter was crucial and marked a real turning point .
13 It was dark and had a tiny window .
14 Last night I opened my eyes when it was dark and feeling a sudden want of air opened the window when to my astonishment I was in time to see Oreste carried past in the arms of an angel and I wept and called out to him but there was no reply and soon they were gone up to the heavens and lost sight of .
15 When Frank heard that Michael thought of going in for the prize on this set book he was indignant and sent a message to Michael , ‘ Who in his senses would read a book by a bishop ? ’
16 The interviewing panel was civil and included a peer of the realm , a major-General , and a gentleman farmer .
17 I had to be very careful going through a couple of blobs of the Renaissance gold where the paint was at its thickest , but I was lucky and got a reasonably clean edge all round .
18 Mr Ridley said that manufacturing output was now at a record level — 12 per cent higher than in 1979 , and 6 per cent higher than the previous all-time peak in 1974 , and accused Labour politicians of being like ‘ quack doctors ’ — claiming the country was ill and prescribing a cure that in reality would only make the country worse off .
19 The hospital said she was comfortable and having a light breakfast — her first full meal since was admitted to hospital .
20 In fact it was unfair and represents a furtherance of Hope 's ambition of a Gothic Foreign Office .
21 The redhead was leggy and had a terrific figure .
22 Owing much in design to S. Vitale in Ravenna but on more elaborate lines , it was originally symmetrical and had a western entrance with atrium and two-storeyed gallery ; the courtyard here was large and had a capacity of 7000 .
23 I remembered the larder was bare and took a snap decision ( actually , ‘ going snap ’ on a decision was the latest buzzword ) to hit the local late-night deli .
24 Viscount Tonypandy was present and made a brief speech of welcome .
25 Her voice was deep and had a sardonic , mocking tone that frightened Constance .
26 The voice was deep and had a drawl to it that Lizzy did n't like .
27 Mr Anderson was married and had a mistress at the time of the alleged rape , the jury has been told .
28 She said I had not been meant to have this until I was twenty-five , but since I was married and had a child , they had been able to break the trust .
29 Will 's sister Joan was married and had a little boy , but Will 's brothers did n't have any children .
30 That was great and started a whole year of being in America for me , which was seeing David as a major star and also for myself , experiencing life as it should be as a major star , with your cars and people looking after you and the record company being polite to you rather than treating you like shit and not working .
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