Example sentences of "was [adj] that the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Rousseau was emphatic that the general interest of society was not the mere sum of individuals ' interests , any more than the general will was the mere sum of individual wills .
2 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
3 It was unclear where responsibility for child-minders , registration of playgroups , etc. would rest in the new organisation , but it was possible that the new provisions in the Children Bill going through parliament would allow for those services to be provided through education departments .
4 This time , Mr Robertson said , it was possible that the French haulage company 's insurance might cover the loss .
5 They were unable to approach because of their draught and the weather , but with the rising tide and bad conditions it was possible that the stranded man might not survive until the lifeboat arrived .
6 It was ironical that the high level of operator handling thought to be the biggest problem was actually the main part of the solution !
7 In each of these patients it was clear that the raised CDAI was caused either by the presence of symptoms which although contributin substantially tot he CDAI were not caused by active inflammation — for example , superimposed symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome in three patients and subacute intestinal obstruction from fibrous stricture in two patients , or to symptomatic anaemia ( one case ) .
8 It was clear that the Great Casterton defences had been planned and carried out in an unhurried manner and with military precision .
9 It was clear that the Japanese war effort could not be extended for an appreciable period in the light of the allied command of the sea and air and the nature of the crippling conventional bombing by American planes .
10 By the end of the decade it was clear that the Soviet initiative would not win the support of the major Asian states .
11 It was clear that the honest promises of 1944 had not been fulfilled : the secondary moderns had not secured parity of esteem , and never would .
12 Well before the cataclysm of 1914 , however , it was clear that the narrow boundaries of the " old diplomacy " as Richelieu , Metternich or even Bismarck had known it , had been permanently expanded .
13 By early February it was clear that the skilled engineers had retreated from demands for peace negotiations into a narrowly sectional defence of their exemption from conscription .
14 However that might have been , it was clear that the elderly female residents regarded her as little better than a whore .
15 The company 's three-man executive met on 5 September when it was clear that the estimated profit was unattainable .
16 It was clear that the right hon. and learned Gentleman had astonishingly little to say , and nothing at all to say about Labour policies .
17 When this happened it was clear that the defensive need was over .
18 ‘ Oh yes , but Angela was clear that the civil servants were going nonetheless to recommend assisting Huerter .
19 Second , it was clear that the standard party political point-scoring would be an insult to those present .
20 It was clear that the true purpose of this meeting went a great deal deeper than mere small chat .
21 By the time of Maxwell , it was clear that the electromagnetic field was the means by which electrical charges and magnetic dipoles act on each other ‘ at a distance ’ .
22 It was clear that the dominant element in his government , that is , the Conservatives , were determined upon an election .
23 By the time of the Wilson government in 1964 , it was clear that the old confidence in governmental planning was , for a variety of reasons , in some disarray .
24 In Sir Ian Gilmour 's Inside Right , a defence of the post-1945 political consensus , it was clear that the Tory centrists could fight back , and the monetarist radicals had , therefore , to be wary .
25 As we prayed for him it was clear that the Holy Spirit was touching him powerfully , and he began to speak in tongues for the first time .
26 By the time Toby came in it was clear that the whole school knew .
27 It was clear that the white population would accept an agreement with alacrity .
28 Cromwell took his army across St. George 's Channel and led it forward ruthlessly and successfully , and by 1650 it was clear that the English government was going to be able to reconquer the island .
29 The Church of England , which in its 1908 Lambeth Conference had condemned family planning , changed its mind when it was clear that the faithful were simply ignoring its precepts .
30 She maintained silence , but it was clear that the sudden summons had surprised her .
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