Example sentences of "was [art] [noun] in [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It is estimated that he trebled it in real terms — and this at a time when the population was stagnant , His most important innovation was the poll-tax in place of the household tax , which the peasantry had been able partially to evade by merging households .
2 And there was the revolution in transport and communications which is still in progress , and which is a variable factor , producing pluses and minuses at different stages .
3 The second change was the rise in inflation which reduced the statutory limits on contributions by more than half .
4 It was the rise in world crude prices which brought energy conservation seriously into view .
5 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry what was the increase in manufacturing output between 1985 and 1990 .
6 Holders of this theory would suggest that syphilis was already established in Europe in pre-Columbian days and it was the increase in knowledge and the travel resulting from the Renaissance that made it appear as if a new disease had been introduced .
7 Later the hierarchy made it clear that the basis for their objections was the increase in power by the state vis-à-vis the liberty and self-reliance of its citizens which such legislation would entail .
8 One of the chief causes at the present time was the increase in interest rates , especially for the self-employed .
9 He suggested that the main cause of social differentiation was the increase in population density .
10 In the thirty years before 1910 , Europe 's pig-iron output trebled ; even more spectacular was the expansion in steel , whose production increased tenfold .
11 The room was full of policemen , as well as the Chief Superintendent and the Inspector , there was the officer in charge of the search and a sergeant .
12 The most important factor reducing fear of the sack was the reduction in unemployment , which increased the chances of getting another job quickly .
13 Particularly dramatic was the reduction in growth rate which took place between the mid 1960s , when the annual increase reached almost 400,000 , and the five years Figure 4.1 Population change and its components , UK , 1960–87 .
14 Perhaps most striking of all was the fall in unemployment in February and March , by a total of 51,000 , after 33 consecutive months of increase .
15 He was the equivalent in science of a Nobel prizewinner today .
16 Luther was the devil in disguise .
17 I asked her her name just in case it was the Devil in disguise and she told me who she was .
18 More significant , perhaps , was the leap in number of those reckoned ‘ indifferent ’ — up from 16% to 42% .
19 Such was the position in theory .
20 The defendant , as the executor of Mr. H. Glass , was the person in control of 96 , King Edward Road , Swansea , for the purposes of the Housing Act 1957 .
21 I mean there were several people but m the surprising was the person in charge of of the work girls you see .
22 While I have no reason to believe that this was the case in respect of Wilson , or indeed any senior member of the Labour Party , I can understand why such a person would be reluctant to try to abort the inquiry .
23 The questioning process was essentially undertaken in two stages ; the analysis had indicated what information was required or produced , and it was first necessary to check whether this was the case in practice .
24 ‘ But at least you had the sense to realise Charsky 's performance on the Neva embankment was a dream , and that he was the man in bed with Anna .
25 He was the man in charge of H3 , and he spoke with his émigré parents ' guttural Central European accent although he had been born in Ipswich , and he had been in H area for 26 years .
26 Lt Watts , of Mold , was the man in charge of the mission when L/Cpl Wayne Edwards was shot and killed by sniper fire .
27 Lt Watts , of Mold , was the man in charge of the mission when L/Cpl Wayne Edwards was killed by sniper fire .
28 In our depth interviews , for example ( Appendix II , section 5 ) , there was the man in trouble with the court already who could therefore not get HP — and who bought the settee he wanted with a trading check instead ( even costlier to repay ) , though he doubted his ability to pay it off and was still making payments through the court ; and the woman with so many debts to pay off , afraid of the ‘ loan man 's ’ visit because she finds it so hard to say no to his offers .
29 RMC was the user in law and as such needed a carrier 's licence .
30 News of the discovery spread to Maurice Barley at Nottingham University , where he was the tutor in archaeology in the Extra-Mural Department .
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