Example sentences of "was [art] [noun sg] for her " in BNC.

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1 She was n't happy , she was suddenly plunged into all this pressure and it was a nightmare for her .
2 Three days later , Richard came along to Grace early in the morning , and told her that there was a call for her .
3 Oh there was a call for her .
4 That there was a pattern for her in Lermontov 's novel is conceivable : but it ca n't be claimed that it fits her with exactitude , or that it provides an explanation of her conduct .
5 It was a victory for her each time that she wrested him away from his desk and his teleprinter and his uniform .
6 So I silently willed her to know that if life with Edward became insupportable there was a place for her to come .
7 Della tried to find work , but times were bad , and there was no work for her .
8 Granny had originally come to stay with us while her house was being fumigated but that had been months before and there was no excuse for her to continue living in our overcrowded home .
9 Because there was no help for her .
10 So distinctly his own person that there was no space for her .
11 There was no future for her here .
12 As a successful merchant banker there was no reason for her to know where the back door was in a BAC One-Eleven , and that the tail opened downwards with the stairs !
13 Which was fine , because it meant that there was no pressure for her to move on .
14 There was no hand for her to touch .
15 There was no need for her to say who ‘ he ’ was ; her eager face was enough .
16 There was no need for her to be present .
17 She reminded herself that it was not the countryside which had been unfaithful to her and there was no need for her to fall out of love with it .
18 There was no time for her to draw back , nor could she save herself .
19 There was no place for her in that life now .
20 Fernando belonged to Maria Luisa and their child and there was no place for her in his life .
21 She ‘ stoutly defended ’ her new home , saying that her first husband ‘ was no husband for her , and the one that worked for her she respected ’ .
22 There was an opening for her here .
23 It was an effort for her even to glance at them , but she was glad that she had .
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