Example sentences of "was [not/n't] quite [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 If we accept the essence of the bi-partisan structure , we must recognise that political reality was not quite that simple .
2 Nevertheless , the move of 1290 was not quite as cynical as all this may suggest .
3 The weather was not quite as nice as on our two previous trips , but it kept dry .
4 I was not quite as attentive to the game as perhaps I might have been : - )
5 JUNE 19 : Today the weather was not quite as good , but there was an interesting morning 's play .
6 The appearance of privileged communities was not quite as haphazard as it may seem .
7 George Shelborne was not quite as sure about drinking to the Whig who , he pointed out , was even then in Paris fawning over Napoleon — but politely he mumbled a neutral assent .
8 He quickly realised that , tactically , the situation at Verdun was not quite as desperate as it had seemed at first sight .
9 Pakistan 's start was not quite as grim as India 's at Headingley in 1952 , when the first four batsmen were out before a run had been registered , nor did it quite compare with Australia 's second innings at Brisbane in 1950 , when Bedser and Bailey send back the first three without a run on the board .
10 But while Wainfleet 's apology had been specious and he really did not see what all the fuss was about , he was not quite as carefree as he had let them think .
11 Benjamin Titford , we must say , was not quite as elevated socially as he appears to be in his water-colour portrait ; or rather , he had only recently become so — which was good enough , after all , for any Victorian member of the nouveaux-riches .
12 He was slim and attractive , certainly , but his body was not quite as tense and muscular as he felt it ought to be .
13 First , internal Cabinet Office files suggest that Mr Attlee 's engine room was not quite as clean a machine as I had portrayed it .
14 This was the city she had dreamt about so often , and although it was not quite as clean and fairy-like as she had imagined , it possessed a quality of age and empire .
15 She was not quite as neat as she used to be .
16 Jack had obviously had one pint too many of Sussex Devil because his swing was not quite as smooth and slow as usual .
17 Indeed , he told himself as he walked briskly across the courtyard toward the covered way that led past Pathology and Pharmacy to the rear of the hospital and his own unit , it was not quite as bad as it might have been , taking it all around .
18 Eddie Murphy 's success as the leading world box-office star of the mid-80's proved once again that the general public was not quite as small-minded as the film studios seemed to believe but it was Spike Lee 's 1986 low budget success ‘ She 's Got ta Have It ’ that really began to turn the tide .
19 Perhaps Richard was not quite as accomplished as this .
20 This was not quite as outrageous as it might seem at first .
21 MGM was not quite as happy with The Crowd ( 1928 ) , which was held back for a year and temporarily given a happy ending and which proved only to be as Kine Weekly predicted ‘ a sound box office success ’ rather than a runaway winner .
22 The sociologist Émile Durkheim was not quite so sanguine .
23 The masher 's intended victim was not quite so indecisive ; far from taking the opportunity to run off , leaving St George to fight the dragon on his own , she had taken the opportunity once her attacker 's attention had been diverted from her to remove her right shoe , and she now proceeded to attack him from the rear , pounding him first about the head and shoulders with the shoe , and then with her handbag shrieking , ‘ Take that , you cowardly bully , and that , ’ leaving him open to any attack Neil might care to make .
24 The take was not quite so certain with some of the more ‘ reluctant ’ varieties , but the more vigorous types were quite successful , and the method is a little quicker to do .
25 He corrected an error in Riemann 's work and showed by an ingenious example that the scope of the new theory was not quite so great as some had claimed .
26 Barnhorne was not quite so impressive , set as it was on the shifting , sea-threatened , marshland east of Pevensey .
27 But it was not quite so simple .
28 Outside London ( did anyone live outside London ? ) the picture was not quite so simple : getting hold of the latest fab gear in 1966 Swindon was akin to finding mange-touts in Caithness in 1985 .
29 So she put the dress on , and thought for a moment that perhaps it was not quite so frightful after all , and then , after looking at herself for a little longer , wondered if it were not in fact more frightful than she had ever imagined .
30 Father was not quite so sure .
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