Example sentences of "was [adv prt] [prep] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But although the school was up for sale it 's now been taken off the market and the council does n't believe the scheme is in the best interests of pupils .
2 The last time I was up in Wharfedale it was with a London friend , a media man whose idea of the wide open spaces is Wimbledon Common .
3 Oh if I was up in Yorkshire I would .
4 It was back in February I saw you is n't it ?
5 Immediately he was back in England he longed to seek her out , but his acquaintance with the Bradfords prohibited it .
6 That was the stuff of melodrama , and now she was back in Oxford she knew she was somewhere , somehow , still too middle-class , too much her father 's daughter , to want that .
7 And , miraculously , there was little resistance and I stared in disbelief as the great organ disappeared gloriously and wonderfully from sight I was right behind it with my arm , probing frantically away up to the shoulder as I rotated my wrist again and again till both uterine cornua were fully involuted Ben I was certain beyond doubt that everything was back in place I lay there for a few moments , my arm still deep inside the sow , my forehead resting on the floor .
8 When he was out of sight we picked up our bags and turned into a side street .
9 When the car was out of sight she shut the door and went back into the warmth of the lounge .
10 When he was out of sight she crossed the great court to the gatehouse , passed by the open door apparently without a glance , and stood for some minutes in the gateway , looking along the Foregate , before turning back towards the guesthouse .
11 When he was out of sight I pushed the curtains aside and ran downstairs .
12 As soon as he was out of sight he began to sing , very loudly .
13 ‘ If I was out of work I 'm sure Denis would be the first person to try and help me .
14 He used to call at her home most evenings and if she was out of London he 'd always telephone .
15 Anxious not to be further delayed , she merely nodded and waved but before she was out of earshot she heard Ford 's voice boom out a greeting .
16 It is richly good to greet the real heroes of your youth — and once I was out of earshot I found myself skipping about merrily , humming ‘ Happy Birthday , Washy ’ over and over again .
17 I rang Sorrel 's flat from Sergeant Purvis 's desk , and as he was out to lunch I sat on it and rearranged his pencils in a petty and thoroughly satisfying bit of vandalism .
18 I tell you , if she was out in Hollywood they would send her to one of those beauty farms , where they starve them and batter them about and knock them into shape ; then they would give her a plastic nose , or make the one she 's got more pointed , put false eyelashes on her , give her hair an expert cut , and walla ! she 'd be a sensation .
19 She turned and was about to deck him when she realized that his needler was aimed at her stomach .
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