Example sentences of "was [adv] [to-vb] [art] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 The presence of these large populations of insects , whirring and buzzing through the air of the ancient forests , was eventually to play an extremely important part in a revolution that was taking place among the plants .
2 It was the tragic irony of Fate that , because of the terms of reference to which de Castelnau had committed him in advance , this uniquely humanitarian general would be called upon to subject the men under his command to what was shortly to become the most inhuman conflict of the whole war .
3 The trick was always to spot the most intelligent even when they were still puppies .
4 Louis VII 's pretexts for visiting were many and various , but his aim was always to emphasize the specifically royal nature of his authority , to reclaim the Carolingian right of hospitality .
5 Lugard was later to develop a more elaborate reconciliation of the moral with the amoral aspects of imperialism in The Dual Mandate in British Tropical Africa , written after he was removed from the daily turmoil of administration and in retirement in England .
6 The little nation which was later to present the most radical challenge to the wisdom of the Greeks is mentioned nowhere in the extant pre-Hellenistic texts .
7 Britain was now to receive the most advanced submarine-launched missile system ; there was thus no continuing strategic need for a British effort in space .
8 Environment Minister , Tony Baldry was here to see the nearly finished project .
9 Jessamy was about to fling an equally rude reply straight back at her , but Eleanor 's gaze suddenly moved past Jessamy and her face changed completely .
10 with unusual curtness and drove off at a speed which suggested that Darren was about to enjoy a gratifyingly exciting ride .
11 The two men looked at each other , the senior officer accepting that Duncan was about to enter a more serious and dangerous assignment , whatever it was .
12 Far from having run its course , the struggle for the emancipation of the serfs was about to enter an even more heated phase than the one it had just been going through .
13 A colleague of mine in Buckinghamshire had great difficulty in selling his little terraced house ; after months on the market not one person had come further than the front door and he was about to lower the already modest asking price .
14 Within the NEB it was clear that a regional — let alone a city — dimension was never to play a very important role in determining policy .
15 It was , however , becoming possible to foresee local initiatives developing into a network which , although unlike the railways was never to become a truly national system of transport , would link the main industrial regions back to their sources of supply and , to a lesser extent , forward to their outlets .
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