Example sentences of "was [adv] [v-ing] [noun] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Outside critics , of which the most devastating was the Oxford economist Ian Little , had no difficulty in showing that their arguments ‘ fail to wriggle out of the obvious ’ , which was that much of the domestic thermal load was being sold below cost and was thereby winning heating markets which could be more efficiently supplied by alternative fuels at lower overall national cost .
2 We agreed on the use of Gordon Ingles for another commercial film and Leon suggested I could make any necessary further contact on such matters directly with Hellen who was apparently designing film sets , writing scripts and sometimes directing Shelly productions .
3 By the time he went to Abbey CBS in Newry he was already regaling school shows and family parties with the songs of 1970 's singer-strummers like Ralph McTell and Tom Paxton .
4 But after flying back from America with Lewis , he was already making contingency plans for his man being handed the title without throwing a punch .
5 He had no hat , a lot of hair , and was not wearing eye glasses .
6 This conflict gave rise to repeated friction between the Chad and Sudan governments , the latter protesting that it was not allowing rebel groups to operate from its territory and insisting ( notably in a statement on Nov. 20 , 1989 ) that Chadian troops ( who claimed rights of pursuit ) should themselves withdraw .
7 Thus , when she was hosting a major fashion show in Paris , featuring the best British designers , she invited Laura to attend , even though she was not showing Ashley clothes .
8 Distraught Sandra was yesterday giving police descriptions of the men .
9 ‘ She was always taking throat lozenges and cough mixtures .
10 He was still wearing kid gloves .
11 He was still wearing summer clothes and , once back in his room again , the only heat was regulated by how much a tenant could afford to put into the meter — and Freddie was abysmally short of cash .
12 Since 1955 both had been swamped with material from Operation Gold and even six years later MI6 was still transcribing voice tapes from the tunnel operation .
13 Terry was still making League appearances for us in 1968–69 when Palace again gained promotion , this time to the elite of the 1st Division but , to his disappointment and the chagrin of all Palace followers , he was never able to turn out for us in Division One .
14 Stefan looked particularly grey and was frantically scrunching indigestion tablets .
15 By late autumn , it was openly backing Serb nationalists .
16 The People 's Dispensary for Sick Animals was also urging pet owners to keep their animals indoors wherever possible and protect animals in hutches .
17 At the same time as I was being bundled in and out of police vans for telling the troops in Northern Ireland exactly where they should go , I was also attending GLF meetings .
18 And word got out that a paper shredder was busily eating superfund documents .
19 At the bar Victor was busily dispensing kick-start coffees and hair-of-the-dog cognacs to a huddle of regulars taking late breakfast or early lunch .
20 His employer warned him that his behaviour had already caused several customer complaints and was even affecting business relations , and demanded that he stop .
21 ‘ I was even taken to hospital at one point thinking I had a hypo coming on , but then we realised that I was actually having panic attacks — a delayed reaction to losing my sight .
22 Hannington clearly resented this domination by the almost defunct and hopelessly sectarian Minority Movement which was currently antagonizing union officials by supporting " breakaway Red unions " .
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