Example sentences of "was [adv] [adv] [vb pp] of " in BNC.

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1 In one of them , Dundee , advantage was most shrewdly taken of the fruit growing capabilities of local soil and climate when the Keillers set up their jam and marmalade manufactory in 1797 .
2 She was thus well informed of the movements of her neighbours and managed to find out any gossip that was going .
3 The new emphasis was not universally approved of , purists objecting to what they saw as a tendency for accountants to look a project over and approve or disapprove of it from the beginning .
4 The permissive society of the 60 's and 70's was not yet dreamed of .
5 Legal proceedings were opened against various mayors including the reformist mayor of Dresden , Wolfgang Berghofer , although Berghofer himself was not personally suspected of election manipulation ( in May he went to work for the office planning and construction company Häussler in Stuttgart ) .
6 Undoubtedly , this reorganization of the Northumbrian Church pleased Theodore , who secured the establishment o additional bishoprics north of the Humber , and Ecgfrith , who was not only rid of a bishop whom he did not want but able also to secure the appointment of men whom he personally favoured , men generally prepared to deal sensitively with the legacy of the Scottish mission in a post-Whitby era .
7 Tough , fit , not in the least prone to injury and highly consistent in his performances , Cross was the epitome of the ideal player , and he was versatile too , in a time when this was not really expected of a footballer , for he moved across to right-back after the signing of Scotsman Bobby Orr , who much preferred to play at number three , in 1927 .
8 Human life was not necessarily robbed of its meaning by being incorporated into the natural system .
9 Yet , as Hirst ( 1983 ) indicates , the debate was still generally conceived of in terms of the old , well-established disciplines versus ( or integrated with ) the school subject areas .
10 If there was a middle party at all , it was more plausibly composed of bishops than of barons .
11 She was also reportedly suspected of passing sensitive information to India .
12 Casabona was also formally cleared of threatening behaviour , assault causing actual bodily harm and threats to kill after no evidence was brought by the prosecution .
13 … in every way like the man , as a twin brother and companion , haunting him as his shadow , both before and after the original is dead ; and was also often seen of old to enter a Hous , by which the People knew that the Person of that Liknes wes to Visite them within a few days .
14 Telford Avenue was now practically cleared of ex-L.C.C. cars and the few remaining spaces there were filled by ex-Walthamstow cars , contemporary with the ex-Croydon E/1s and closely similar to them .
15 I tried to persuade him that he was n't threatened , was n't accused , was n't even suspected of anything , but he would n't have it .
16 They all wore Peter Pan collars and thought cleavage was something butchers did , we were before vitamin , vitamin pills , disposal diapers , Q E one , jeeps , pizzas , instant coffee and Kentucky Fried was n't even thought of , in our day cigarette smoking was fashionable , grass was for mowing , pot was something you cooked in .
17 He vaguely remembered her name from the literary magazines , where she was quite well thought of .
18 The Legion , which was then largely composed of escapees from the German Wehrmacht and SS , had been thrown in its entirety into the war .
19 Later , it became clear that this material , despite its potency , contained only about 1 per cent of pure penicillin and that it was almost entirely composed of material which was not penicillin .
20 Set out with freshly landscaped lawns and flowerbeds , the factory was almost entirely made of one-way glass : you could see out from inside but not in from outside .
21 On 27 November the Cabinet was accordingly officially informed of the whole matter for the first time .
22 She says she was never even told of the risk .
23 Diana Dors was never really thought of as a great actress … indeed she once described her film career as ’ a lot of make believe held up by 37 inch bra cups ’ .
24 A policeman spoke of the popularity of the landlord — ‘ [ He ] was very well thought of , very popular at the pub .
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