Example sentences of "was [adv] [verb] down with " in BNC.

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1 This was all washed down with a bottle of red wine .
2 Marie , sick and trembling , overwhelmed with fear and guilt at her own actions , was already kneeling down with a dustpan and brush , sweeping up the broken glass from the tomato-sauce bottle that had been on the table .
3 In 1958 at the Club 's Golden Jubilee celebrations , Charles Luker recalled his early years when the rough lived up to its name and when after each game very golf club head was well rubbed down with emery cloth to prevent it rusting .
4 My friend Kevin , muscleman and minicab driver , says the lads would be out rioting for Willy now if it was n't tipping down with rain the whole time .
5 She hoped she was n't coming down with something , because that would be the last straw .
6 ‘ He was absolutely weighed down with medals , ’ he recalls , ‘ and by that stage , with so many royal people there , I was in automatic bowing mode .
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