Example sentences of "was [pron] she have [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Folly racked her brains , but she was sure there was nothing she had forgotten .
2 Excitement colouring her voice , she said , ‘ Mamma kept a diary — apparently it was something she 'd done since being a girl .
3 The design , the cover informed her , was inspired by ancient Viking jewellery , which explained the serpentine interweaving of the colours , and her brain and fingers co-ordinated over the task with such dexterity that Leonora had no doubt this was something she 'd done often before .
4 It was something she had felt rather than known logically .
5 By contrast her community work was something she had achieved on her own without looking over her shoulder at the rest of her family .
6 She thought at first it was something she had eaten .
7 That the gulf existed was something she had known all along , so what she had overheard and the realisation it brought with it should n't be causing tears to prick behind her eyes as she opened the cupboard in the study that adjoined Faye and Bill 's bedroom , and got out the testing kit she had come for .
8 So now , after all , there was something she had set her heart on .
9 The discovery that she was — goodness knows why — still in love with her husband was something she had fought hard and long against over the past few days .
10 Her dress was one she 'd bought specifically for work in the factory .
11 What was it she had said ?
12 What was it she had said to him about the missing family silver ?
13 Oreste would die , she saw that now , for what was it she had felt for Ferdinando if not lust ?
14 So what was it she had expected ?
15 It was what she 'd suspected all along , of course .
16 That was what she 'd told herself .
17 I 'm keeping that one till the last , was what she 'd told Carrie .
18 The office was what she had imagined .
19 All he had to do now was what she had asked — get to see Steen , give him the photographs and explain that Jacqui was nothing to do with Bill Sweet .
20 This was what she had achieved , and indeed in the 1950s when she was at work it was an enviable position for a woman .
21 It was what she had lived by .
22 And all she could repeat was what she had said to the ambulance men .
23 All she wanted to do was yield to it , because it was what she had wanted for the whole time she had been with him .
24 But it was what she had wanted .
25 She should have felt happy , relieved — that was what she had wanted , was n't it ?
26 It was what she had wanted to do since she met him — touch him like this , feel his naked body against her .
27 The kitchen was what she had expected , dominated by an antique cooker and a fridge the size of a Buick .
28 Claudia shrugged ; it was what she had expected .
29 Had she added up the facts wrongly , found him guilty more because it was what she had feared than that it was the truth ?
30 For here , in a sense , was what she had come to see .
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