Example sentences of "was [art] [adv] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 For example , in a rat-form of rheumatoid arthritis a very careful study of the ameliorating effect of narcotics showed that the animal 's scratching was the most strongly affected abnormal behaviour .
2 Fenella gasped and felt the sour bitterness of evil magic touching her and remembered that the Stroicim Inchinn was the most strongly forbidden enchantment of all , and that whatever else they were going to be doing here , they were not going to be dealing with forbidden spells .
3 It was obviously important to Scott to have his case well stated in what was the most widely read of London newspapers and particularly after the damaging leader on 6th August .
4 The case of Malcolm Fairley , known as ‘ The Fox ’ , was the most widely reported court case of the year where the offence of rape was the main charge .
5 Surveys for the Crowther Committee showed that illness was the most frequently stated reason for default , followed closely by unemployment .
6 This resentment , this sense of injustice that they have put in more than their fair share of time , energy and guts , was the most frequently struck note .
7 Of those who have been offended , bad language was the most frequently given reason , followed by sex and violence .
8 Certainly , when asked directly why they had decided to take early retirement , it was the most frequently mentioned reason by those concerned .
9 The home minister 's job was the most bitterly contested .
10 WEIR was the most favourably mentioned of any Scottish-based company in the London national daily and Sunday newspapers last year .
11 During the late 1970s , Commerson 's dolphin was the most heavily hunted , but recently this species has become less abundant and the crab fishermen are now catching Peale 's dolphin , dusky dolphin , Chilean black dolphin , and Burmeister 's porpoise .
12 The Georgian independent republic was the most solidly based of the three .
13 Of the six GCC members , Oman was the most directly involved , if only by virtue of geography .
14 Training officers who noted that they were able to spend their full time on training were very rare , although it was noted in Chapter 4 that a training officer or more ‘ training officer time ’ was the most commonly wanted further ‘ resource ’ to expand or develop existing training programmes .
15 Management again was the most commonly noted subject area , with induction/introduction to local government/ advice on own courses also being mentioned .
16 At that time , the train engine was changed at Crewe , and although a Princess Coronation was the most commonly provided motive power , one day in three would produce a Princess Royal or Royal Scot .
17 Of the Twelve , the then West Germany was the most crucially affected , and its government set about creating the conditions for the unification of the two Germanies .
18 The entire coastal fringe from Chilaw south to a few kilometres into Hambantota district was the most densely populated part of the island .
19 " GPs ' expressed preferences " was the most highly ranked factor : ranked low were the results of consumer surveys , the views of CHCs , and the fact that providers carried out regular patient satisfaction surveys .
20 Commercial tools and technology manager Nancy Colwell claimed that systems management tools from a company with longevity such as CA was the most highly requested demand from Sun users , while Sun president Scott McNealy claimed that Sun would have up to 10,000 commercial servers out in the field by the end of the year .
21 Of all the sectors , Telecommunications was the most highly valued with a 25.5 price to earnings ratio and 1.57 total market capitalisation to turnover ratio .
22 Neil , who was the most seriously hurt of 67 injured in the blast earlier this month , plans to marry Sue in the New Year .
23 Edward Heath was the most managerially minded prime minister since Attlee .
24 He was the least well acquainted with Connon and had no intention of saying anything at the moment .
25 I turned to Jamie and then the girl , cleared my throat and said quite clearly : ‘ I did n't know if you two ever shared or , indeed , still do share , for that matter , for all that I know , at least mutually between yourselves but at any rate not including me — the misconception I once perchanced to place upon the words contained upon yonder sign , but it is a fact that I thought the ‘ union ’ referred to in said nomenclature delineated an association of working people , and it did seem to me at the time to be quite a socialist thing for the town fathers to call a street ; it struck me that all was not yet lost as regards the prospects for a possible peace or at the very least a cease-fire in the class war if such acknowledgements of the worth of trade unions could find their way on to such a venerable and important thoroughfare 's sign , but I must admit I was disabused of this sadly over-optimistic notion when my father-God rest his sense of humour-informed me that it was the then recently confirmed union of the English and Scottish parliaments the local worthies-in common with hundreds of other town councils throughout what had until that point been an independent realm — were celebrating with such solemnity and permanence , doubtless with a view to the opportunities for profit which this early form of takeover bid offered . ’
26 The latter option was the more frequently adopted , so that it became very difficult to evaluate the contribution , if any , that ERDF expenditure might have made to economic development .
27 The central figure on this occasion was the more locally known organizer , Margaret Irwin of Glasgow , acknowledged to be an expert on women 's trades in Scotland . ] "
28 While it was stretched over the whole length of imperial communications , its most dangerous possible rival was the more easily concentrated French fleet ; the prospect of a descent on the Channel ports still preoccupied the Admiralty .
29 And they knew that , of the two , influence was the more securely founded and the more enduring .
30 Thereafter , the latter , which was the more directly threatened by invaders , could no longer call upon the stronger military forces of the former .
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