Example sentences of "was [art] [noun] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Or was the metal never applied in the first place ?
2 Though the six counties initially refused an offer of separation from the rest of Ireland , that was the compromise eventually agreed on , although it led to civil war in the new Irish Free State , and remains the root cause of later violence .
3 At the head of the administration of each royal forest , or group of forests , was the officer usually styled ‘ Warden ’ , or , less frequently , ‘ Steward ’ or ‘ Bailiff of his bailiwick .
4 Bank Assistants can feel aggrieved and betrayed that the Bank declared in the Labour Court that their claim was debarred by the National Pay Agreement , the P.E.S.P. At no time during the previous two years was the P.E.S.P. ever mentioned by the Bank .
5 He believed that the only explanation for these results was the chimpanzees suddenly saw new relationships that were never learned in the past .
6 So — was the novel then written ?
7 In neither case , it was submitted , was the society contractually bound to provide a report prepared with due skill and care .
8 The crucial question under s3(2) ( b ) is what was the performance reasonably expected of the proferens ?
9 ( March 10 was the date already set for the dissolution of Parliament in advance of the general election . )
10 His boat never returned from its trip , nor was the Hooper ever seen again .
11 That 'll do , that 'll do and , and , and , and , and who was the bloke well dressed ?
12 Was the mo was the motion formally seconded before it was withdrawn ?
13 This was the theme ingeniously exploited by Poe in his tale , The Facts in the Case of M. Valdemar , in which a semblance of life was related as having been preserved in a man mesmerised when at the point of death .
14 She said , er er no , I think it was the doctor actually mentioned hospital .
15 ( Shipton was the leader eventually replaced by Colonel John Hunt ) .
16 In Australia , Canada , and the Americas , killing native peoples was the method usually favoured by settlers .
17 Lesson content : was the lesson well prepared ?
18 Was the lesson well prepared ?
19 With public order close to disintegrating , the DP had emphasized during its campaign that it was the party best placed to secure further foreign food aid and investment .
20 The new , uniform business rate generated similar outrage : nowhere was the anger better illustrated than in Bath , a city epitomising Thatcherite entrepreneurial success , where there was a shopkeepers ' strike in protest at the damage it was wreaking on their livelihoods .
21 Nor was the Charolais greatly influenced by the British breeds .
22 He was to have many fine one-day knocks over the years and now he hit 88 ; only when he was ninth out was the match definitely lost , West Indies eventually winning by 36 runs .
23 Two years was the period finally agreed upon .
24 This was the line already adopted by Binchy ( 1984 ) who interpreted world-wide statistics in this direction .
25 ‘ Why was the house only emptied then ? ’
26 Was the Empire rudely torn by the war from its ‘ natural ’ evolution towards a capitalist and constitutional order comparable to that of the West ?
27 The sums granted for this last purpose in 1993–94 will not be as closely earmarked as was the £15m specifically designated for books in 1991–92 and 1992–93 .
28 Er I merely want to comment on the erm apparent misunderstanding on my comments on windfalls earlier on , erm it has been suggested that we we 're tightening down on windfalls , was the quote actually used , erm , there is no intention in the local plan to er ignore the er windfalls , to actually deal with them in a different way than had happened in the past , clearly if sites come forward which are windfalls which are suitable in environmental terms then the City Council will give , as P B G one requires , the appropriate consideration to those applications , what I was merely saying this morning was the the likelihood of such windfalls coming forward , and the scale was clearly going to be substantially less than had occurred in the past , and the the figure of eighty a eighty a year , which was for a five year period , which was quoted to me , erm clearly would not be representative of my expectation of the future .
29 Was the meeting well chaired ? ’
30 This was the explanation later given by the monks of Canterbury .
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