Example sentences of "was [adj] and when [pron] " in BNC.

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1 However , as you know , most of my savings had vanished while I was unemployed and when I was offered a very nice flat near the school , the financial advantages of making that my single home base seemed overwhelming .
2 Like Mary Kingsley she was down-to-earth and when her expedition reached Abu Simbel she was horrified to see that the colossal figure of Rameses II was disfigured by plaster left on it fifty years before by an enthusiastic cast-maker .
3 My scream brought Mum up to see what was wrong and when she saw my face she ordered me back into bed .
4 I always enjoyed talking with him both when he was serious and when he would suddenly switch to gentle ridicule with an infectious laugh .
5 She telephoned offering to help when my wife was ill and when I said there was nothing she or anyone could do , she did n't keep fussing .
6 Discovery was inevitable and when it came at last there were reasons to rejoice , but not at the reunion with Christopher .
7 Before she was married and when she was at school she was quite happy to go and find something
8 She was to become the sort of opportunist that John would have admired : her second marriage was bigamous and when she was in her sixties she returned to Britain from America in order to marry a consultant surgeon at Bart 's Hospital .
9 The evidence against Sukarno was flimsy and when he was eventually sentenced to four years ' imprisonment in December 1930 one eminent Dutch professor , J.M.J. Schepper , condemned the verdict as violating the great Dutch legal tradition .
10 That they had any cohesion at all was impressive and when they also succeeded in driving through the heart of the French forwards an improbable victory became at least possible .
11 Peter Niven , rider of Ambuscade , said : ‘ Richard ( Dunwoody ) kept shouting that the race was void and when we found out it was , we pulled up . ’
12 The terrace door was open and when he went into the house Ken Corduroy found further disorder ; another chair knocked over , dirty glasses and a smell of spilled whisky .
13 He was silent and when she looked up he had pushed his supper aside .
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