Example sentences of "was [adj] about the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 For this reason I was apprehensive about the approach to The Grey Corries , a fine ridge-walk to the south of Spean Bridge .
2 As Peter Ackroyd has pointed out in his biography , Eliot was apprehensive about the approach of war : which was not the same as being faint-hearted .
3 Not surprisingly , Ken was apprehensive about the position I might inherit when I touched down .
4 ‘ Michael was apprehensive about the leap and I said : ‘ If you do n't feel like it , I will jump on and do it . ’
5 As a letter to me at Merstham dated I May 1939 indicated , Eliot was polite about the article in question :
6 She was polite about the leeks and lumpy cheese and said a similar thing could be done with endives and it looked at first as if the lunch was going to prove a slightly awkward affair .
7 Bill Hughes , deputy chairman of of the Scottish Conservatives , said he was elated about the election results and stressed that the Union was safe in Tory hands .
8 Then I asked the administrator , who was called Lucy ( I was right about The Beatles ) , what the real form was on Sal 's case .
9 ‘ Well , ’ he said with a smile , ‘ she was right about the rats , anyway ! ’
10 ‘ She was right about the ERM , right about Europe — and right about the Poll Tax . ’
11 But of course he was right about the trouser bit because Nan had a gay disposition and a very pretty face ; what he would n't admit to was that she brought in a lot of custom at the week-end , especially when there was a boat in and some of the sailors would make their way up from the quayside and spend freely on chocolate or toffee for their girls .
12 The minister was right about the heart and the heart being divided on Europe .
13 All day I 'd felt calm , though aware that everything in Jamila 's life had changed ; and now , on the same day , if I was right about the looks on the two faces in the car with me , the same thing was going to happen to me .
14 In the circumstances ‘ dead on schedule ’ hardly seemed to Lewis the happiest of phrases , but he knew that Morse was right about the call from Babington 's .
15 He was right about the A levels anyway .
16 Even more crucially , if the nuclear industry was right about the lack of danger to health from its routine operations , then one piece of evidence stood out like an unexplained sore thumb .
17 When I learnt biology , I was taught that Weismann , although he was right about the independence of germ line and soma , had given the wrong answer to this question .
18 At least he was right about the landscape .
19 Oh yeah … and I was right about the kit then ; - ) ) )
20 ‘ He was right about the legs , anyway . ’
21 So here Belinda was , with that naked feeling she always got when she looked at her wet hair and towel-draped neck under the bright lights of a salon , and she very much hoped that Faye was right about the end result looking ‘ fabulous ’ , because she was determined to show everyone at drinks this evening that she was just as soignée , just as at ease in a smart social gathering as they were .
22 The Warden was right about the light .
23 I was right about the shop selling string , and I buy a nice ball of it — all clean and white .
24 It gave the producers the chance to create some enticingly colourful kaleidoscopes , largely by Lazlo Kovaks ' cinematographic wizardry ; otherwise there was little about the film that either Nicholson , Dern or Strasberg would admit to being proud of .
25 After so many years , there was little about the game that he did not know , and tactically he was a highly skilled operator who , his players knew , would stay calm in a crisis .
26 Henry O'Bree was depressed about the exams and left behind a suicide note .
27 Joe Meek shot himself in 1967 because he was depressed about the failure of his latest recordings and his troubled private life .
28 He was upset about the kids .
29 I was sorry about the kites , and I knew that I 'd have to give up flying them for good to keep the act looking realistic , but it was worth it .
30 Franca was sorry about the change of plan .
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