Example sentences of "was [adj] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The growth of TV at the BBC was stately compared with the hasty start of ITV .
2 This view is supported by a number of independent inquiries , the most recent of which was that undertaken by the House of Commons Energy Select Committee in 1987 :
3 The most important tax levied upon the people of seventeenth-century England — as far as the local and family historian is concerned — was that based upon the number of hearths or chimneys that each house contained .
4 The first true canal , with locks and a towpath , was that constructed by the municipal authorities of Exeter between 1564 and 1567 to allow barges to pass around the weirs on the river and to reach the city .
5 All he knew was that compared with the trollop he had been with the day before , she was like a princess , a very untouchable snow princess seven years older than he , who had recently lost her husband .
6 It had been the custom from early times to name children after their godparents ; precisely because the paternal grandfather was an obvious choice to fulfil such an office for the eldest-born son , the impression we often receive — wrongly , perhaps — is that a specific Christian name was perpetuated just because it was that borne by the male-line grandparent .
7 Was that done on the the same day as the corn was cut ?
8 Was that done on the back ?
9 Was that caused by the same sort of sedimentation , the same sort of depositing of silt ?
10 The diagnosis was that given by the reporting general practitioner , and each event was categorised according to the woman 's contraceptive state at the time of the event .
11 The dominant view among those with economic , political and social power — employers , politicians , civil servants , clergy — was that embodied in the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 — described vividly by Engels as ‘ the most open declaration of war by the bourgeoisie upon the proletariat ’ .
12 Was this driven by the need to ship out the occupants of the decaying and unviable institutions ?
13 Even so , Dr Neil 's modest home was larger and better appointed than most around Vetch Street , and was vast compared with the one stifling room she had briefly occupied in Crow Court .
14 Sir Ralph Whitton 's murder was simple compared to the complexities surrounding Mowbray 's .
15 The Government 's preferred three-month measure shows output was unchanged compared with the previous three months , and only 0.5 pc up on a year earlier .
16 Conservatives complain that interviews with them were broadcast out of peak time and that the programme 's interview with Mr Kinnock was soft compared with the grilling of Mr Major .
17 It was unusual compared with the other countries in that it actually represented a decline ( of 2% ) from the 1971 figure .
18 But then the got the electric and the county water but the Sten the Kirkwall Hotel and the Stromness Hotel and the Stenness Hotel was all connected with the man 's own private phone .
19 Erm so really and truly i i you know with what we 'd got it was sort of carrying the business on in a very sort of low way and instead of going round collecting the work it was all done through the post .
20 You had your certain lot of wee machines that helped you to do things but more or less it was all done with the hand .
21 But the kissing and romping brought some embarrassed sniggers from the audience even though it was all done in the best possible taste .
22 What is especially insulting about the decision to impose VAT on a purchase about which no family has a choice , is the flimsy pretence that this was all done in the name of greener government .
23 This was all done by the school following DES and LEA guidelines .
24 Aha that was just went in It was all blown to the side and that was it was kept just for the for the carol beasts for the sheds you see , for the that was what the what we saw what they bedded them down with that .
25 But er er when you looked at his skin he was all burned in the front and er with this exp explosion of a gas engine .
26 Well this is , yeah , although that 's what was all agreed at the last minute .
27 Just as regards two children , that was all agreed by the parties .
28 So if that four and a half million was all incurred in the second half its underlying growth rate was something like sixty percent .
29 Of course this was all photographed at the time , and they found the oldest plough in Europe .
30 But the discomfort was mild compared to the pain which engulfed the rest of his body , filling his veins like liquid fire .
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