Example sentences of "was [verb] over [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Six weeks after battle was joined over the proposed ‘ rectification ’ of French spelling , the resistance fighters appear to have won the day .
2 ‘ What is it ? ’ he answered , standing , looking across to where the captain was kneeling over the fallen man .
3 The smoke from the incinerator made Harry blink and cough , but Morpurgo , who was stooped over the very top of it , seemed unaffected and still he paid his visitor no heed .
4 " One day a neighbour opposite came to tell me my little boa was hanging over the other side of the railings on our landing .
5 She was hanging over the wrought-iron balcony above the gardens , pointing to the pink and white marquees flapping gently in the breeze like grounded hot-air balloons .
6 Marco was stepping over the spasming limb as if the robot was n't there .
7 I was sailing the Pacific , or a character in a surrealist painting ; often I was walking over the red shale past one football pitch after another , with goal-posts stretching as far as the eye could see , like white crosses over the fields of Arnhem .
8 When it erupted around 75 000 a BP an estimated 2000 km 3 of material was dispersed over a wide area of the East Indies .
9 By 1914 the number of Chinese boarding houses was reckoned over the previous few years to have increased by stages from 13 to 300 to 400 .
10 The foil was wound on a supply spool from which it was fed over a flat surface on to a take-up spool at a speed proportional to time .
11 A taper was applied over a sliding scale of income , but on average the formula worked out so that most single parents would be able to earn an additional £12 without losing benefit entitlement .
12 The gruel was served up and a long grace was said over a short the gruel disappeared , the boys looked at each other and went over , while his next neighbours nudged him , tired as he was he was desperately hungry and he rest on the table and the master with his hands he said
13 Brussels Cathedral ( 490 ) was built over a long period .
14 This was built over a long period — both Peter Parler and Rejsek worked on it .
15 A Face of War was shot over a 97-day period , and portrays the experiences of Mike Company , 3rd Battalion , 7th Marine Regiment ; during this period Jones was wounded twice and one of his photographers once .
16 We arrived at an other dam around noon ; water was rushing over the huge rocks and it was too risky to try to paddle across so the canoes were lined across .
17 The aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with 5–50 pg of synthetic platelet activating factor .
18 Aggregating activity of the samples was measured over the linear portion of the calibration curve obtained with synthetic platelet activating factor .
19 A minimum of 7 mm lead shielding was used over the central area and over the body of each animal .
20 Another orange powder was dusted over the upper part of the body .
21 The closure of the regional offices was phased over an 18-month period and affected 435 staff .
22 The old flag was raised over the Supreme Soviet building in Riga for the first time on Feb. 27 .
23 The yellow and blue republican flag of Ukraine was raised over the Supreme Soviet building in place of the Ukrainian Soviet flag , to the delight of demonstrators outside .
24 In talks between Gorbachev and West German Federal Chancellor Helmut Kohl on July 15-16 , 1990 , agreement was reached over a united Germany being free to join NATO [ see p. 37659 ] .
25 On a previous occasion , when he was flying over the stricken HMS SHEFFIELD , nine-tenths of his negatives had been removed .
26 At relaparotomy a large bile duct defect was seen , located 1.5 cm proximal to the cystic duct and a Roux-en-Y loop was anastomosed over the perforated area .
27 While it was stretched over the whole length of imperial communications , its most dangerous possible rival was the more easily concentrated French fleet ; the prospect of a descent on the Channel ports still preoccupied the Admiralty .
28 PHILIPPE ROZIER , who has just finished a three-month ban after Oscar Minotiere was found over the permitted limit of the painkiller , butazolidine , rode the same horse to victory for France in the Euro Horse Trophy in Gothenberg yesterday , writes Alan Smith .
29 Any piece of rotten meat that could still be found in the enclave was slipped over an improvised fish hook , attached to a rope and hurled over the parapet in the vain hope of catching a jackal or a pariah dog that might swallow it .
30 The ladder was laid over the slimy surface of the marsh to the car , and the rope tossed to the three frightened men inside .
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