Example sentences of "was [verb] not to be " in BNC.

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1 In all the provisions there are exception clauses : an obligation can be revoked or modified only with consent ‘ unless it is established they had otherwise agreed ’ ; assent shall be presumed ‘ so long as the contrary is not indicated ’ ; a right may not be revoked or modified ‘ if it is established that the right was intended not to be revocable ’ .
2 Raven Thomson was deemed not to be insulting when he said at Bethnal Green in March 1937 that he had the utmost contempt for the Jews and that they were ‘ the most miserable type of humanity , ’ but an Inspector Jones was overruled when he reported that Mick Clarke had used no inflammatory language at the same venue in June 1937 , when other police shorthand notes stated that Clarke had called the Jews ‘ greasy Scum ’ and ‘ the lice of the earth ’ .
3 Once it was felt not to be reliable as evidence for Jesus ' own history and teaching , however , most of what the psychological biographies had chiefly depended upon was removed along with it .
4 So it was kind of an issue that was felt not to be happening in , but there was fear that it could it could be introduce you know , as I say , from outside .
5 This opposition , she felt , was orchestrated by the ‘ homosexual/humanist/intellectual lobby'-adding homosexual to the usual list — who were well organised and united in a way the Church was seen not to be .
6 Dick Turpin used the moor , but was said not to be fond of it , possibly because of the competition .
7 Weather was said not to be a factor .
8 He was said not to be very strong .
9 This is illustrated in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) where insurance was said not to be a suitable alternative to cover the loss of a precious film .
10 He was taken to Airedale General Hospital , Keighley , where his condition was said not to be serious .
11 Born on April Fool 's Day 1809 , young Robert was destined not to be baptised until he was 13 years old ; his sister Elizabeth , the next of Ben and Elizabeth 's little brood , was similarly left unbaptised until six years after her birth in 1811 .
12 I was instructed not to be too early — to wait quietly outside the entrance and not make a nuisance of myself .
13 Competition in the professions was thought not to be in the public interest because of the specialised and personal nature of the services provided , which often affect the health , safety and well-being of the public .
14 After a long-winded description of the historical background to the war , and survey of the situation in the east — hinting that the war would continue to drag on over the coming winter — Hitler , in the part of the speech which attracted most attention , demanded full powers to act immediately and ruthlessly ‘ independent of person and status ’ where anyone was found not to be fulfilling his duties to the ‘ people 's community ’ and failing in the war effort and promised an ‘ inexorable challenge to every form of corruption and omission of duty ’ .
15 The intoximeter was found not to be working properly and the custody officer notified the defendant that , pursuant to section 7(3) ( b ) of the Road Traffic Act 1988 , an alternative specimen of either blood or urine , at the choice of the officer , would be required .
16 there was no duty of care owed by the owners of an oil rig to a rescuer who was found not to be a man of ordinary fortitude and phlegm and who suffered psychiatric injuries from experiences during a rescue operation when an oil rig went on fire .
17 He was a brave little fellow and one could see that he was trying not to be scared by the Gorgon who towered above him .
18 In his recall of clearly remembered events in The Childhood Thomas was determined not to be led astray by reverie and adult speculation .
19 It would have driven every other landlady to distraction but Wilson was determined not to be bested .
20 He did n't answer and Jess felt uneasy , but having started to talk was determined not to be ignored .
21 I kept my voice friendly , for I was determined not to be drawn by his provocation .
22 Although Constance was proud to be seen with Nicky and loved it when he took her out , she was determined not to be taken for granted .
23 But Jennifer was determined not to be overawed by this thinly severe lady .
24 But Jennifer was determined not to be drawn , and another long silence followed .
25 She was determined not to be bludgeoned into submission by lack of money and a system that seemed not to care for mothers and children .
26 She knew it was the beginning of the humiliation that would be heaped upon her , and she was determined not to be broken by it .
27 Rostov was determined not to be the first to turn away .
28 Even though her boyfriend at the time was against this , she was determined not to be persuaded to have another baby .
29 He was determined not to be done out of his bones at the end of the feast .
30 Roxie stayed silent as if she was determined not to be cozened , but she shifted uneasily in her chair .
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