Example sentences of "was [verb] out [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 In the next room half of Beverly Hills High was freaking out to The Doors .
2 ‘ I have n't a clue — I was freaking out at the time .
3 The Tentara Keamann Raykat ( TKR ) was formed out of the BKR .
4 As the hon. Gentleman knows , Nuclear Electric was formed out of the old Central Electricity Generating Board and has remained a Government-owned project throughout .
5 ‘ I said that if I was turfed out by the trade union vote I would see Neil Kinnock and we would then both issue a statement afterwards , ’ he said .
6 The song was bellowing out over the din of the battle .
7 Readers of the great Victorian novelists rejoiced to find in the final chapters how summarily justice was meted out to the villains ; some were perplexed that the Almighty often failed to knot up loose ends equally satisfactorily .
8 According to Special Branch , very violent treatment was meted out in the foyer to the men removed by the Black-shirts ; the police intervened just in time to prevent serious injury .
9 I know , but the appalling thing is that the address list was given out at the A G M and Christine 's phone number is on it .
10 His job was to go out into the bush to take samples and he found it the most unspoilt area on Earth he has ever been to , areas the size of Wales in which no white man has ever set foot .
11 One of the things he was NEVER NEVER allowed to do , the most exciting of them all , was to go out through the garden gate all by himself and explore the world beyond .
12 He reached up and ruffled Prentice 's hair in the semi-darkness ; the boy 's head was hanging out over the top bunk .
13 A vast pink tongue was hanging out of the creature 's mouth between a pair of the longest , sharpest teeth imaginable .
14 The prints were n't too bad , considering that I was hanging out of the back window of the plane with just a thin safety belt between me and the farm land 200ft below .
15 The main purpose was to pack as much corn as possible into the bay ; but in treading the corn in this way much of it was shaken out of the ear , and thus a start was made on the threshing .
16 Sue likes me … lots of people like me … when I was helping out at the meat counter the other week , Jim said we should go bowling one night .
17 Jenny was helping out in the newsagent-cum-sweet-shop in the village .
18 Between 1905 and 1916 the fundamental texture of Nizan 's psyche was traced out in the drama enacted in the Nizan household by its three principal characters : Clementine Nizan , nee Metour , cast in the role of mother and wife , Pierre Marie-Joseph Nizan , cast in the role of father and husband , Paul Pierre Yves Henri Nizan , cast in the role of only son .
19 Soon the chain was singing out through the foliage , cutting empty avenues through the greenery .
20 The Woman was gazing out of the window , picking at the hem of the tablecloth .
21 Timothy glanced at the marquis who was gazing out of the window , apparently deaf to the conversation .
22 Marc was gazing out of the window , but he could n't help overhearing her side of the conversation .
23 the gigantic military effort was sucking out of the economy , not only surplus products , but the very means of replacing means of production and means of consumption .
24 Asshe launched himself with a roar , and Paul , his face ashen , was marched out of the study ; behind him he heard the voice of his host calling ‘ Out !
25 The customer was delighted and telephoned Ralph Edwards to say how pleased his client was with the service and that the cloth was flown out to The Yemen within a few hours .
26 It was pointed out during the workshop that women have always been flexible in terms of employment , but because they have to be rather than because they want to be .
27 As was pointed out at the beginning of this chapter , they shared classical criminology 's view that the purpose of penal practice was effective crime control .
28 Is it not the case , as was pointed out at the time of the French Revolution by the Abbé Sieyes , that if the second chamber agrees with the first it is superfluous and if it disagrees it is mischievous ?
29 It was pointed out to the young man that Philip was the chairman of CUM .
30 It was pointed out to the Special Branch man behind the screen that the police team investigating the murders had no knowledge of his information and he was asked why he had not passed it to them .
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