Example sentences of "was [verb] as [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 The desaturation index was calculated as previously described according to the formula : UNID=S> ( fatty acid percentage×number of double bonds ) .
2 Radiotherapy was given as clinically indicated using either a 6 MV or 8 MV linear accelerator .
3 The number of sea birds killed , more than 1,500 , was regarded as low compared with similar disasters elsewhere .
4 And as before , the Club 's existence was regarded as seriously threatened .
5 Kharg itself was reported as solidly defended , with Raytheon Hawk surface/air missiles and F-14 fighters operational in the area , and it was some time before significant damage was inflicted on the terminal .
6 The pUC19 polylinker containing a dimeric insert of T 9 GCA 9 , cloned into the Sma I site , was prepared as previously described [ 25 ] and labelled at the 3'-end of the Hin dIII site .
7 The British government was seen as completely dominated by Jewish interests since the Marconi scandal , with Isaacs , Montagu and Mond allegedly pulling the strings behind Lloyd George .
8 RT-based PCR was done as previously described .
9 In two cases the tumour was classified as well differentiated , in 52 as moderately differentiated , and in 58 cases as poorly differentiated .
10 The serum IGF-I concentration was measured as previously described by radioimmunoassay ( RIA ) after acid ethanol extraction using a rabbit antiserum developed by L U Underwood and J J Van Wyk and distributed by the Hormone Distribution Program of NIDDK through the National Institutes of Health , Bethesda , MD , USA .
11 The synthesis and purification of all oligonucleotides and their characterisation by enzymatic digestion was performed as previously reported ( 3 ) .
12 Detection of CREB by Western blotting and immunoprecipitation of 32 P-labelled CREB and ATF1 was performed as previously described ( 29 ) .
13 In-vitro production of anti-toxoplasma and anti-HIV-1 by PBL was detected as previously described .
14 The image of frailty was gone as heavily lashed eyes opened wide to glare accusingly in Lindsey 's direction .
15 Inhibition of binding by antibodies ( 1–6 µg per assay ) was determined as previously reported ( 25 ) ; nuclear extracts were preadsorbed for 1–2 hrs with the antibodies before binding .
16 The outcome of the illness in children admitted to hospital was recorded as clinically improved , clinically worse , or causing death before the fifth day after entry into the study .
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