Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] [subord] it " in BNC.

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1 Withering 's interest in digitalis was aroused primarily because it promoted a flow of urine and relieved swollen , dropsical tissues of their load of water ( see chapter I ) .
2 Devonport has claimed its original bid was provoked partly because it believed the navy intended to centralise nuclear refitting at Rosyth , thus undermining Devonport 's future , and is insistent that its proposal was unsolicited .
3 According to Judge Abraham Sofaer , Brunei was picked especially because it received no assistance already , and would seem to be returning no favours ; it was never intended to get anything beyond appreciation .
4 Lewis 's maiden Test hundred in Madras was down-graded critically because it was made in a losing cause in England 's second innings .
5 The fatalism of life at work was accepted just as it was believed that they could not help themselves or , indeed , be helped .
6 JOHN Lee 's prayer was answered even though it was n't really necessary .
7 But justice was done really cos it was n't really a back pass in the first place .
8 But it was clear the statement was written yesterday because it hailed a vote by the House of Representatives on Tuesday night to make the extradition of drug traffickers a topic for a referendum .
9 There is a famous story from the fifties about the discovery by nutritionists that you were better off eating the box than the cornflakes inside it , and I was wondering hopefully whether it might be better to eat my column than to read it , or alternatively whether it might be toxic .
10 As a result , one of the DCs was submitted for assessment to this person ; the other DC was agreed immediately since it affected no other package .
11 She got off the ground so quickly with her public relations it was squashed almost before it came to life . "
12 The group 's concern with rocketry was hardly respectable in those days : its existence was tolerated mainly because it came under the wing of Theodore van Karman , one of the world 's greatest aerodynamicists .
13 The productivity of Buenos Aires-1 , which had been drilled , tested and suspended , was reduced dramatically once it had been completed and put on production — a fact which has challenged production teams .
14 It is hard to say how directly the King reminded the Company that it was doing well because it had been granted a monopoly of the English market .
15 It was based on the number of dependent children in the family and was provided largely because it was found difficult to recruit men without ensuring some financial security for their families .
16 She was suffering enough as it was .
17 The crime bill was opposed largely because it sought to enact a five-day waiting period for the purchase of handguns , while the education legislation , which aimed at upgrading the country 's schools , was opposed by Republicans following a congressional decision to remove an administration proposal to provide government vouchers to assist parents in sending their children to private schools .
18 I was asked once if it seemed real to me that one day I would be lifeless inside it .
19 Even allowing for this , the surface was left just as it came out of the mould .
20 The book 's central part , represented by " Socrates and Greek Tragedy " , had already been well worked and , apart from some reordering , was left virtually as it was ; the rest required more attention , but on 12 December he was able to send off the final portions of the manuscript , including a new , short , preface to Wagner . "
21 Three times he recalled his favourite , Piers Gaveston , from an exile imposed on him first by Edward I and then by the barons ; the Ordinances , to which the king was sworn in 1311 and again in 1317 , he treated with contempt ; the expulsion of the Despensers , father and son , was reversed almost before it was enforced .
22 ‘ He was watching today so it 's special for me . ’
23 A FURIOUS storm was raging yesterday after it was revealed that the South 's semi-State mobile phone network is being used to peddle vice .
24 Argüelles was forced to admit that no ancient law could infringe the sovereign rights of the nation : the ancient constitution was kept only because it was supposed to contain the ‘ first principles of national felicity ’ .
25 A garrison was kept there until it was felt that peace was restored in 1646 .
26 Her heart was beating wildly as it had for days whenever the telephone bell rang anywhere she happened to be .
27 It had been the custom from early times to name children after their godparents ; precisely because the paternal grandfather was an obvious choice to fulfil such an office for the eldest-born son , the impression we often receive — wrongly , perhaps — is that a specific Christian name was perpetuated just because it was that borne by the male-line grandparent .
28 It was chosen partly because it was a defendable site , raised above the surrounding landscape .
29 Hunter says Caterdata was chosen largely because it is ‘ user-friendly , simple to use in terms of the number of keystrokes people need to make , and quick to learn ’ .
30 This was chosen more because it was available rather than for religious reasons .
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