Example sentences of "was [verb] [prep] [noun] and " in BNC.

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1 The dark blue £415,000 car was stopped between Preston and Lancaster on Sunday as Mr Vilaseca was heading for a holiday in Scotland .
2 Lindos 1 , 183–4 Blinkenberg ) , Heliodorus was stopped by miracles and compelled to admit the presence of a great god .
3 HOWEVER , the ball then rolled 15 yds was stopped by Newell and kicked immediately to Shearer , who hit the ball bloody well and scored ( so why did n't he score vs Holland eh ? ) .
4 The list was amended by committee and on reflection , I think another important target should be added to several of the flow charts , namely , potential sponsors .
5 It has remained in the temple ever since , and is blown three times on the anniversary of the death of Sigismund as a solemn reminder of the dark days when the Empire was ravaged by Orcs and Altdorf was almost destroyed .
6 If , however , it was ravaged by rats and mice , it was an ill-omen for the farm and those who laboured there .
7 The departure of Macaraig , who was also the government 's energy co-ordinator , was hastened by confusion and discontent caused by sharp cuts in retail price subsidies for petrol announced earlier in the month .
8 And so in the sanctuary of the triune Godhead , whose secrets we can never know , and whose mystery we must never probe , God the Father prepared him a body , and the Word from the beginning , the Son , humbly said , ‘ I come ’ and the Holy Spirit overshadowed a young woman of Israel so that the uncreated one was joined to creature-flesh and became man .
9 When the main party flew out yesterday it was joined by girlfriends and trip sponsors who will accompany the climbers on a ‘ support ’ trek before turning back just before the serious work begins .
10 It was joined by silver and platinum , both of which also slipped back .
11 At Covent Garden , John was joined by Nerina and Heaton from the group of dancers he had worked with at Sadler 's Wells , and he quickly made new friends , including Ray Powell and , especially , Henry Legerton , an Australian who had also just joined the company after dancing for Massine in a play with ballets , based on the novel A Bullet in the Ballet .
12 En route for Sens , he was joined by Warin and Theutbald from Burgundy .
13 The restaurant was plunged into darkness and the music boomed out as Gino dived across the table at her .
14 The room was plunged into darkness and stayed like that for the rest of the day .
15 He turned towards the door — and all at once the room was plunged into darkness and a whine of hideous music exploded from the overhead speakers .
16 DIPLOMACY was plunged into darkness and officials were stranded in lifts after a snake coiled itself round power cables and blew all the fuses in a government conference centre in northern Tanzania .
17 The Likud leadership was plunged into confusion and pessimism by the result , with the Defence Minister , Moshe Arens , announcing on June 24 that he intended to withdraw from political life once the new government was formed .
18 The genteel and pleasant routine of life which he understood , despite the lengthening shadow of his father 's illness , was convulsed in 1943 , when Nathan Cohen died , and the family was plunged into loss and grief .
19 In looking , therefore , for a possible performance element within the dramatic playing mode we discovered that a certain heightened form of dramatic playing , which we labelled presentation , occurred when a significant contribution by a participant was communicated by words and gestures achieving a shared public meaning .
20 But Ruth sensed he wanted to speak , and was struggling through pain and craziness to do so .
21 The face he leaned so confidentially close to Harry 's was glimmering with triumph and self-importance .
22 He was remanded in custody and will be sentenced in four weeks .
23 He was remanded in custody and remained in prison for six weeks , unwilling to be treated for his distressing voices and persecutory beliefs and unable to give a clear account of himself as a result of his jumbled thinking and speech .
24 After a 30 minute hearing , he was remanded in custody and will re-appear in court on January the 14th .
25 Andrew Pask was remanded in custody and will appear in court again in a weeks time .
26 Moore was remanded in custody and Smyth was released on £200 bail .
27 He was remanded in custody and , because of a shortage of space at Durham prison , was kept at the station .
28 The first really useful realization of the Lie algebra of the Geroch group was formulated by Kinnersley and Chitre ( 1977 , 1978 a , b ) , who demonstrated the action of the infinitesimal elements of the group in terms of an infinite hierarchy of potentials .
29 When a commentary on Michael Rutter 's Fifteen Thousand Hours was formulated by Tizard and others ( 1980 ) it acknowledged in the first place that in the report an impressive base of data supported " an architecture in which many common sense perceptions about schools were co-ordinated " ( Tizard et al.
30 The CELL THEORY was formulated by SCHEIDEN and SCHWANN in 1839 .
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