Example sentences of "was [verb] [adv] to [be] " in BNC.

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1 In all the provisions there are exception clauses : an obligation can be revoked or modified only with consent ‘ unless it is established they had otherwise agreed ’ ; assent shall be presumed ‘ so long as the contrary is not indicated ’ ; a right may not be revoked or modified ‘ if it is established that the right was intended not to be revocable ’ .
2 But was he under any duty to do more than he did merely because he knew that the money was intended ultimately to be lent by the father to the son ?
3 However , it was intended only to be a ‘ provisional ’ arrangement until Germany could be reunited .
4 In part at least , she was his returning shade , and that shade was clamouring now to be embraced .
5 It ranged from er about eighteen foot long , sixteen to eighteen foot long , er twelve inches wide and five inches thick , and we was taught how to be able to handle these by balance .
6 But she was relied on to be correct , so no-one disturbed her as she worked , her arthritic hands holding a stubby pencil , her long , old-fashioned mask covering her mouth as she murmured to herself .
7 BOGOTA ( Reuter ) — Colombia was reported yesterday to be seeking the extradition of a suspected cocaine baron held in neighbouring Ecuador as a wave of bombings , believed to have been carried out by drug traffickers , continued .
8 A statue in the round was surely conceived as in some sense a being to be met face to face , so was designed primarily to be seen from in front .
9 Raven Thomson was deemed not to be insulting when he said at Bethnal Green in March 1937 that he had the utmost contempt for the Jews and that they were ‘ the most miserable type of humanity , ’ but an Inspector Jones was overruled when he reported that Mick Clarke had used no inflammatory language at the same venue in June 1937 , when other police shorthand notes stated that Clarke had called the Jews ‘ greasy Scum ’ and ‘ the lice of the earth ’ .
10 I was took on to be able to keep the written terms and conditions .
11 A second canoe on this mission was paddled back to be safely picked up five miles from the English coast .
12 The informant was expected usually to be the person 's nearest relative .
13 Once it was felt not to be reliable as evidence for Jesus ' own history and teaching , however , most of what the psychological biographies had chiefly depended upon was removed along with it .
14 So it was kind of an issue that was felt not to be happening in , but there was fear that it could it could be introduce you know , as I say , from outside .
15 This opposition , she felt , was orchestrated by the ‘ homosexual/humanist/intellectual lobby'-adding homosexual to the usual list — who were well organised and united in a way the Church was seen not to be .
16 He was rushed to Alder Hey Children 's Hospital where he was said today to be ‘ doing fine ’ .
17 Dick Turpin used the moor , but was said not to be fond of it , possibly because of the competition .
18 Weather was said not to be a factor .
19 He was said not to be very strong .
20 This is illustrated in Woodman v Photo Trade Processing Ltd ( 1981 ) where insurance was said not to be a suitable alternative to cover the loss of a precious film .
21 He was taken to Airedale General Hospital , Keighley , where his condition was said not to be serious .
22 Petr Uhl , a dissident in prison facing charges of spreading false information , was said yesterday to be a victim of disinformation .
23 The net worth of ESII was said yesterday to be about £17 million of which £11 million of capital would be repaid .
24 Their readers could not get enough of Diana ; her face was on every magazine cover , every aspect of her life attracted comment and anyone who had ever known her was tracked down to be interviewed by the voracious media .
25 One observer at Yeovil said : ‘ Despite Mrs Ashdown 's reluctance to get involved , whenever the opinion polls were announced she was far more demonstrative than she was made out to be .
26 He was made out to be the bad guy playing against Seve , especially after one of their clashes at Wentworth in the World Matchplay , but I do n't know .
27 Having relatives in England was not always the bonus it was made out to be .
28 ‘ It made me so angry to see her stepchildren cast as innocents while she was made out to be a dragon . ’
29 He was made out to be a hero , and became a fully fledged dealer that day .
30 He said : ‘ I was made out to be the bad guy .
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