Example sentences of "is very [adv] [vb pp] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 It is very simply made and no great shakes as a piece of cinema .
2 That of the shoulders is neither quite horizontal nor quite parallel to that of the hips , and the head is very slightly bent and distinctly turned to the figure 's right .
3 Lewes and Kingston area are very different from Brighton where everything is very commercially based and rather materialistic .
4 The position in the mid-1980s is very economically reviewed and analysed in Weick ( 1985 ) .
5 In amphisbaenians , well adapted to their burrowing lives , with vestigial or non-existent limbs and much reduced eyes , the skull is very heavily ossified and box-like to enable it to be rammed through the soil , and so the orbitosphenoid is a thick plate of bone .
6 The manual is very well done and would be of interest to anyone dabbling in graphics .
7 This event is very well attended and all the local people run the stalls and dress in different attire to suit the theme .
8 From what we learned the first evening we were here , Rose is very well heeled and it 's obvious that by sharing her home , Dora enjoys a lot of luxuries she could never afford by herself .
9 This group is very well travelled and has Appeared at many international folk-dancing events .
10 ‘ The whole atmosphere is very well observed but I do n't know how accurately it portrays the Hasidim .
11 The molecular basis for this is very well understood and forms one of the important themes in er the effects of e , exotoxin in human cells .
12 PC Dave Fishwick of Darlington police said : ‘ Either this man is very well dressed or these ties have been stolen . ’
13 This approach is not surprising as , whilst the inputs ( in terms of component requirements ) are varied and numerous , the output format is very well defined and falls into two well documented categories of either man-readable or machine-readable instructions .
14 The training and the work is very well structured and I feel that the firm has a lot to offer . ’
15 Apparently in Hungary Shakespeare is very well read and very well thought of .
16 The yacht is very well equipped and extremely well maintained by a crew of 3 .
17 ‘ It is very well organised and books interviews for me .
18 While the banks may then try to sue the council or even individual officers the risk is very widely spread and no financial institution will be put in danger .
19 Oriental Beef is very strongly flavoured and your guests will not require very much of it .
20 Certainly it is frequently difficult to know ‘ what to make of ’ ( a revealing phrase ) data collected in this fashion , unless the whole enterprise is very carefully controlled and supplemented by on-the-spot observations made by experienced researchers .
21 On the eighth floor is the Fleur-de-Lys Grill Room , which is undoubtedly the finest place to eat in Madeira — it is very elegantly decorated and the food and service are superb .
22 It is very much appreciated and gives us a competitive advantage .
23 Any contribution , no matter how small , is very much appreciated and I am sure that you and your colleagues will have a lot of fun at the same time !
24 The supplement is very modestly priced and will be indispensable for those who use Mr Bramwell 's book .
25 For most of us , the habit of acting without prior thought is very deeply ingrained and , consequently , is not an easy one to ‘ undo ’ .
26 This area to São Vicente is very sparsely populated and the road Passes through numerous tunnels and past cascading waterfalls , some of which give you a free car-wash , even in the summer when there has been no rain for months .
27 As a consequence , the chick when it hatches is very fully developed and able to dig its own way up through the sand .
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