Example sentences of "is n't go [prep] be " in BNC.

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1 A sweet young thing from Smash Hits is n't going to be after the same kind of material as some cerebral haircut boy from Melody Maker or a hack from your local paper .
2 ‘ There is n't going to be no wedding , ’ he said .
3 Nathan is n't going to be part of it ? ’
4 A first novel by an unknown British writer is n't going to be given a huge advance . ’
5 A senior British source said yesterday : ‘ If the Irish find they can not ratify the Maastricht treaty there is n't going to be a treaty . ’
6 This is n't going to be so bad after all .
7 If your husband is n't going to be available until mornin' I think I 'd just as soon get some kip .
8 ‘ It is n't going to be easy , that 's all . ’
9 ‘ It is n't going to be easy , ’ Karen had remarked when she heard I was coming .
10 I have a feeling that that is n't going to be so easy . ’
11 Alice has told me that that is n't going to be easy for Alex to organize .
12 He has the freshness of hope of someone who has yet to fully experience the closed shop of London 's damagingly influential network , yet with the cynicism of one who is ready and waiting to be disillusioned , who knows that to make any impact is n't going to be easy .
13 It is n't going to be defeated by watching C&C Music Factory or Sabrina Johnston or marky Mark going through the same tired MTV moves .
14 But it is n't going to be a cake-walk .
15 ‘ There is n't going to be an enormous mix in every programme , ’ Mr Lickiss explains .
16 If this thing breaks , it is n't going to be one of those simple little border clashes .
17 Teachers want to have their privacy invaded , provided they are given a little nudge and they feel sure that there is n't going to be any ‘ comeback ’ in their school .
18 After a frantic few minutes ' chase the skua realises this is n't going to be cost-effective and breaks off to look for something easier .
19 I 'm never never one for for making work but on an a on although this is n't going to be called an annual report for most children it will be an annual event and I do feel quite strongly that for the child to be able to have the opportunity
20 But there is n't going to be any other answer because that is the only answer .
21 Now , obviously , you know , yo getting the menopause out into the open so that everyone can talk about it , exchange information that that it 's not seen as a as a taboo or something to be particularly fearful of by men or women is n't going to be much good if it just makes everybody worry for er , for for the first half of o o o of their lives and , and then gibber through the second half !
22 If you live in Grimsby then okay cos the house is n't going to be worth seventy five thousand pounds .
23 The children ca n't make wills cos in law they 're not of sound mind until they 're eighteen and adults so any will supposed to be made by somebody aged fifteen which is n't going to be a will .
24 ‘ Do you know , ’ she said , ‘ that Gilbert is n't going to be the Avonlea teacher now ? ’
25 ‘ There 's nothing to worry about , Celia , there is n't going to be a storm .
26 I 'm sorry , this is n't going to be easy for you , but I 've got to say it .
27 And I hope this is n't going to be a precedent . ’
28 ‘ The point is , ’ he continued firmly , ‘ if Kemp is locked up he obviously is n't going to be available to do the job he was hired for .
29 ‘ Something tells me it is n't going to be that easy . ’
30 ‘ Life is n't going to be very pleasant over the next couple of days if we ca n't spend any time together without arguing . ’
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