Example sentences of "is that [pers pn] [verb] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The reason for not accepting what people call the social chapter , which is in reality the imposition of labour laws that would damage our competitiveness , is that we intend to keep our competitiveness and we are not prepared to lose our competitiveness against Japan and the United States , even though that is the express policy of the Labour party .
2 The consequence of that is that we 've seen a continuation of road-building schemes which have caused considerable damage to the countryside , devastated communities and have no real hope of soaking up the so-called demand for new roads .
3 Could I just start with the white paper on community care funding because I think , as he said in the introduction , it is a complex subject , erm , and it does involve a lengthy transition period , and therefore in terms of its understanding , I think it 's important that members are aware both how the money is coming to us , broadly what we 're doing with it , and , and how it is that we 've reached the conclusion that there 's a great under-funding in the , in the present proposals .
4 The big improvement with the council tax is that we 've gone back to the old system which is 100% rebates for those classified on low income .
5 Now what has happened in the last decade or so , through the advent of radioastronomy , is that we 've discovered that there are vast clouds of molecules between the stars and they 're just chock a block with very intriguing molecules , many of which are just the sort of things we would expect to be in the prebiotic soup .
6 ‘ The point I 'm tryin' to make is that we 've done well — even you , Noreen .
7 The result is that we 've received over 3,000 hours of new work , and most of this is on priority jobs .
8 But what we 're talking about now is that we 've made up our mind A that you er I believe and you believe you can do this job .
9 Now what I would like to say is that we 've made clear that we 're with certain very clear objectives in pushing forward , in saying that certain things had to be achieved and when I read the lilac piece of paper or whatever colour we want to call it .
10 He said : ‘ All I know is that we 've signed him on a playing contract for four years and we 're delighted to have him back .
11 The other view is that we 've got a rule and we 've got to stick to it . ’
12 I think one of the biggest problems we 've got or I 've I 've had in the last couple of years is that we 've got so many primary schools that we get children from Spring Gardens and Western are now producing national curriculum information for which Marian has got .
13 It , but er the difference this is that we 've got a piece of fabric coming of there with a weight holding it down .
14 The good news is that we 've got the ticket agencies on our side .
15 And our belief is that we 've got money to pay you that 's why we do n't delay in paying you .
16 Erm they 're in no hurry to join but with this second period er from September or was it October and erm once again there is this idea that , you know , the tide is turning and they , they will now join erm they wo n't find it so hard to join as the rich peasants but once again they 're not as enthusiastic and maybe they should be but they are , they are helping more but er er and this is the key er for which you know Mao talked about later is that we 've got to get the middle peasant actually actively involved
17 Erm now the impact of those is twofold , one is that we 've got the overspend on the data integrity and the U A three , cos it was n't in the budget at all .
18 My view is that we 've got forty years to think about it and we can surely think ahead .
19 That 's how , you know , stupid it is that we 've got all these talented riders and we ca n't use any of them .
20 ‘ What is new in the book is that we 've produced surviving British intelligence officers of senior rank who make it clear that Popov had this information and was specifically sent to the US to impart it . ’
21 The th the snapshot is that we 've looked at twenty eight jobs , and out of those twenty eight jobs , if we have been working on scale fees , it would appear that we would have lost money on twenty of them .
22 ‘ One thing I would say is that we get inundated with rent-a-quote demands .
23 A further advantage of using ( as I mentioned several times before ) is that we get rid of the vectorial nature of the problem .
24 ‘ The truth is that we get hammered because we are the sport trying to clean up our act and , therefore , our work becomes high profile .
25 One very interesting feature of the project is that we hope to use the old bridge which used to span the railway in Princes St. Gardens .
26 Right , yes , it is important you see is n't it ? , because one of things that happens also I think is , is that we tend to see a motorway and we tend to see a call one side it , and a call the other side , and work on the assumption that we can actually get across the motorway there , or under the motorway there , but sometimes you ca n't can you ?
27 Our problem is that we tend to eat too much of some nutrients and not enough of others .
28 ‘ We have discussed the possibility of doing an album or EP of covers ; the only problem I can see at the moment is that we tend to approach them all exactly the same way — speed them up . ’
29 One school of thought within psychology is that we tend to get hooked into behaviour patterns if they produce intermittent rewards .
30 One reason advanced by some is that we tend to value the personal above other things .
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