Example sentences of "is that [pron] [adv] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Well , but we , no we 're not saying that , what we 're saying is that we so all we 're trying , w w w that they were saying we ca n't go from cap er from feudalism to socialism but we do n't want to go just from feudalism to capitalism , we want to go into er if you like a capitalism with socialist characteristics .
2 One strange thing about her books is that they nearly all tend to be set a little bit back in the past , so that the position of the women that she is describing and the society in which she is describing them is n't quite what 's actually going on a the time she 's writing .
3 The fact is that everything else that occurs in Northern Ireland must be sustained by the quality of the security policy .
4 ‘ The terrible part about that , ’ Richards said , ‘ is that its perfectly true , and it 's also the stupidest thing ever said . ’
5 Shapira 's view is that she still used English through a translating frame from Spanish and had not fully embraced the language form .
6 The problem is that it probably all lies in the past — thirty , forty years back , if it 's Walter Machin that 's at the heart of it , as I begin to think it could be .
7 The paradox is that his sometimes self-dramatizing manner , both in his life and in his work , has provoked the interest and curiosity which apparently he wished to forestall .
8 ‘ The other thing is that he so much is part of the scene .
9 We 're Vice Presidents of Somerset Cricket Club , and the one thing that John is most proud of is that he once slow-bowled Dennis Compton during a match against the MCC . ’
10 The founding myth of neuromythology is that our more detailed knowledge of the nervous system has resulted — or very soon will result — in an increased understanding of the mind , indeed of the very nature of understanding itself .
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