Example sentences of "is a [adj] [noun sg] from " in BNC.

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1 On the wall is a surviving panel from 6843 .
2 Now the centre-piece of the ‘ new ’ , lush , grass , airfield , and serving as the ‘ Officers Mess ’ is a surviving building from the field 's brief ‘ other ’ life , a totally restored relic of a war that grows more and more a second-hand experience as every day ticks by .
3 The highlight of the evening is a heartstopping extract from Alan Bennett .
4 With scores of nearby anchorages and sheltered waters , Nidri is a superb centre from which to explore .
5 Nowadays there is a bewildering selection from which to choose .
6 Just as there is a substantial move from saying ‘ This is a pleasant experience ’ to saying ‘ This is a good thing ’ , so there is a substantial move from saying ‘ This act will produce the best consequences ’ to saying ‘ I ought to do this act ’ .
7 Just as there is a substantial move from saying ‘ This is a pleasant experience ’ to saying ‘ This is a good thing ’ , so there is a substantial move from saying ‘ This act will produce the best consequences ’ to saying ‘ I ought to do this act ’ .
8 There is a limited selection from which to choose .
9 All they now have is a limited reassurance from the Independent Television Commission that broadcasts will continue for two years .
10 Shotover House Park is a rare survivor from the eighteenth century .
11 Everyone present knows what is to be done , indeed has rehearsed it , and all that is needed to trigger the next move is a loud noise from the expected direction .
12 Now it has all changed , and the likely winner at the party convention on June 13th is a young man from Quebec , Jean Charest , the minister for the environment .
13 This is a separate offence from manslaughter , but it is relevant here because of its close links with diminished responsibility .
14 Our ‘ marker ’ login is a separate login from our normal ones , and does not have write-permission to our other files .
15 Though a formal part of the processes which operate when an unfair dismissal application is made , conciliation is a separate process from adjudication by the tribunal .
16 This is a separate argument from whether you actually made the statement or not , or whether it was bullied out of you like in the case .
17 It is due to be heard in the Chancery Division of the High Court , in The Strand , London , on March 22 and is a separate action from the eviction order .
18 The structure of class positions is a separate matter from the recruitment of individuals to fill these positions .
19 If the new job represents a step up the ladder , point out how it is a logical progression from the job before .
20 One of the teachers who comes regularly with groups of children is a well-dressing expert from Eyam in Derbyshire , and first dressed a well at the farm in 1980 .
21 I believe this is true , and that it is a major gain from the televising of Parliament .
22 In The Ionian Mission , a hilarious account of the crew exercising a rhinoceros on deck has a serious point behind its absurdity : the animal is a diplomatic gift from the British government to one of the most tricky and desirable potential allies in the Eastern Mediterranean .
23 The Syrah is a splendid grape from the northern Rhone , where it makes fabulous high-priced wines at Hermitage and Cote-Rotie for £10 — £20 a bottle .
24 This is a poor harvest from those weeks or months that the Pounds spent in Sicily ; and indeed it is no harvest at all , since none of these allusions depends in any way on the poet 's having been physically present in the island .
25 ‘ T is a reasonable distance from the latrine . ’
26 There is a general agreement from the most ardent Federalists to their staunchest opponents that the EEC simply can not continue in its present form .
27 Perhaps not surprisingly , the hon. Gentleman 's question is a straight paraphrase from publications issued by COHSE and NUPE .
28 In the strict or dictionary sense The Lord of the Rings evades that concept totally , for according to the OED ‘ defeatism ’ is a straight borrowing from French défaitisme , recorded in English for the first time in 1918 and meaning ‘ Conduct tending to bring about acceptance of defeat , esp .
29 However , we must point out that there are plenty of copies available and if there is a REGULAR order from you with your newsagent and from him with his distributor , there should be no problem .
30 A representative assessment is that given by the library manager : I would say that one of the biggest advantages was the fact that senior management … from the Head down , from the very word go , were after making it a success … one thing we have got is a greater awareness from a greater number of staff , because they come in here to supervise and help [ and ] get involved … but I think the biggest advantage has been the fact that time devoted to … library skills for all the first year … [ has ] been extended to an hour a week …
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