Example sentences of "is the [det] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Diet : The food given to this fish is the same as given to the Emperor Peckoltia
2 The procedure for the obtaining and giving of further particulars of defence is the same as appertains in relation to further particulars of claim .
3 Is my hon. Friend aware that the tyranny that controls education in Nottinghamshire holds back £10 or more for each and every child above that national average , that it is somewhere around two thirds of the way down the merit table for putting resources where they belong — at the school — and sits on about £3 million at the centre , which is the same as holding back £5,000 for every school in the county ?
4 Add a negative number , this is when I said I 'm going to add minus eight pounds to your money tonight , add a negative number is the same as take away a positive number .
5 That is the same as pardon me for being rude it was not me it was my food
6 Adding minus N is the same as subtracting N adding the minus number is the same as subtracting it .
7 Adding minus N is the same as subtracting N adding the minus number is the same as subtracting it .
8 It is the same as swinging an axe to chop down a tree .
9 Apart from the reshuffled attack the rest of the side is the same as played so effectively to deny Donegal in the league final replay .
10 The effect on the Earth 's rotation is the same as moving the mass m closer to P in Figure 6.10 : the Earth rotates faster .
11 The times had simply passed when one could conquer France , conquer Belgium , conquer Holland , even conquer Eastern Europe , and say , ‘ This is the same as moving into Africa or moving into the Far East ’ .
12 Multiplying by 12.5 is the same as multiplying by 100 and dividing by 8 .
13 Lady Belladonna 's utterance is tantamount to saying her age multiplied by her age multiplied by her age is the same as multiplying her age by four and then by five and finally by 45 .
14 Some say that to belong to the kingdom of Heaven is the same as belonging to the Church .
15 Adding a negative number is the same as taking it away .
16 In my view the authenticity argument is invalid because it does not distinguish between the two questions : it confuses ends and means and assumes that teaching language for communication is the same as teaching language as communication ( cf.
17 It is saying too little in that to ask for the reason for the validity of a consent to certain normative consequences is the same as to ask for the reason for recognizing a person as holding a certain right to bring about these consequences .
18 If that saturated air is cooled , for example by coming into contact with a surface such as a window pane on a chilly day , it can no longer hold so much moisture as vapour ; the effect is the same as squeezing out your bath sponge .
19 The scoring system is the same as described for depression .
20 The Act assumes that , in the case of a company with the share capital , becoming a shareholder is the same as becoming a member .
21 In my view , for compensation purposes the position of an assignee in such a case is the same as discussed above regarding a statutory assignee .
22 Strewing guts about is the same as letting squibs off in a public venue , all comes under Fireworks byelaw . ’
23 Cannon 's team is the same as did so well in the world Championships in Winnipeg two seasons ago and they are again worthy champions .
24 The meaning of ‘ intention ’ here is the same as outlined earlier .
25 This is the same as saying that reality can be altered by perception , and that the problem will go away if we cease to think of Germany as a country .
26 ‘ Your reasoning ’ , he says , ‘ is the same as saying that we can get a rose through planting a noxious weed …
27 His readings of heroic poems made him especially scornful of the notion that to say ‘ evil must be fought ’ is the same as saying ‘ might is right ’ .
28 Tritium has a 12.3 year half-life , which is the same as saying that 5.5 per cent of its atoms decay each year .
29 ( Saying that two sentences can have matching assent/dissent conditions is the same as saying that they can be stimulus-synonymous . )
30 Some five miles further south , the road beside the Saison forks , which is the same as saying that the valley of the Saison divides .
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