Example sentences of "is the [noun] that [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is the law that demand increases proportionately to the improvement and increased acceptability of the service offered .
2 This is the problem that behaviour which is privately profitable will not be wealth maximising overall where an actor can ignore the costs that its activities impose on others , for example where a company without cost to itself can emit into the atmosphere the noxious by-products of its production processes .
3 The gift is the faith that God gives to us to receive his forgiveness and his salvation , and his grace as provided .
4 What will be more difficult to sustain is the expectation that labour should show total dedication to work now that lifetime employment is becoming ever more the exception .
5 This is the operation that plant workers decided they could do without on the morning of the accident .
6 Erm this is an effort to do something , the last , I am sure the sterling efforts have been undertaking by Welwyn and Hatfield District Council in this consortium , you know where 's the beef , where is the evidence that somethings been done , this is merely asking to look along this line to see if anything can be done .
7 The basis for the proposition that individual women may improve their own prospects and those of their young children as regards health and mortality is the evidence that age at marriage and at childbearing , the amount of time that elapses between births and the total number of children that a woman has borne at various ages have a pronounced influence upon maternal and child health , and that a child 's birth order may be a factor in its survival chances .
8 Instead , this is the evidence that God 's forgiveness possesses our lives so powerfully that we are given the strength to forgive others in turn .
9 The most potent of these is the idea that Britons are subjects , rather than proper citizens .
10 This is the idea that offenders are punished , not to deter the offenders themselves , but pour encourager les autres .
11 Common to all these verses is the idea that Jesus ' death in some way removed our sin .
12 So is the idea that consideration must be an economic benefit of some kind .
13 Implicit is the idea that A has some form of control over B , or at least a strong bargaining position that enables A to score a ‘ victory ’ over B. Companies sometimes have power of this kind over suppliers , as where the company is one of only a limited number of buyers of a supplier 's goods or services , and even to an extent over governments , manifested , for example , in negotiations over subsidies or in successful attempts to dilute the content of regulation .
14 to the will of the people than participatory democracy or Russo All the individuals do is elect their governors , so this is the idea that Russo called not democracy but that to of aristocracy .
15 Implicit in that quote is the idea that science is more serious because of the more formal nature of staff-student relationships .
16 Reform ( or ‘ rehabilitation ’ ) is the idea that punishment can reduce the incidence of crime by taking a form which will improve the individual offender 's character or behaviour and make him or her less likely to re-offend in future .
17 This is the idea that denunciation can help to reduce the incidence of crime — a notion which may at first seem somewhat obscure , but which has a distinguished intellectual pedigree .
18 Of crucial importance to these perspectives is the idea that labour is relatively passive and inactive .
19 What I would find off-putting is the idea that people would see me as a divorced man 's bit of light relief .
20 The polar opposite of automatic support is the idea that people act out of self-interest in family relationships , as in other areas of life .
21 the first is the idea that productivity and profit only come from making the most of the people in the organisation .
22 A dominant factor is the idea that Switzerland is expensive .
23 This is the idea that crime and deviance have positive qualities and consequences that make them necessary for the healthy functioning of society .
24 Equally important to guard against , on the Tory side , is the idea that Mr Major must now be regarded as some kind of superman .
25 Central to patient-centred counselling , he says , is the idea that individuals are the best arbiters of what is and is not right for them .
26 Even more convincing as an account of a real dream is the idea that Gloucester was somehow responsible for his death — but only accidentally .
27 Yet it is the idea that men should have power over women , coupled with the belief that women have a particular ‘ role ’ — much more closely specified than is any corresponding male ‘ role ’ , that is coming to be questioned .
28 This is the idea that research is incompatible with the nurse 's prime concern .
29 What is useful is the idea that research and study in a particular field or discipline can proceed for many people for quite long periods in a relatively routine or normal way , without continually digging up the roots .
30 What is distinctive is the idea that consciousness can be adequately described in terms of causal episodes .
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