Example sentences of "is that it [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 While agreeing with this description of Hoccleve 's illness as of psychotic severity , our own evaluation is that it had a more depressive quality , many of the symptoms described by Hoccleve meeting the modern criteria for serious depression .
2 The first is that it maintain a monopoly of economic power .
3 But perhaps the precise reasons for its origin and the timing of its confirmation are not so important ; of greater significance is that it became a key precedent during the ensuing century for those who wished to restrict the outflow of money from the English church to the church universal and in particular to the Roman Curia ; its appeal to the interests of patrons whose intentions were thwarted or impaired by impositions on the houses so that ‘ infinite loss and disinheritance are like to ensue to the founders of the said houses and their heirs ’ was to reappear in the later statute of Provisors .
4 The disadvantage of product departmentation is that it creates a new form of management and therefore increases the overhead costs and managerial complexity of the organisation .
5 Indeed , its strength is that it casts a caustic eye over the club scene , dealing with familiar situations with enough self-deprecation and sarcasm to stem any pretension .
6 The cute remark about the Irish tour is that it lasted a week too long .
7 One of the major benefits of this approach is that it promotes a sense of being ‘ in control ’ of the disease .
8 The difficulty with the agency model is that it produces a somewhat ‘ blinkered ’ analysis of what is a highly complex relationship .
9 A senior French official … explains , ‘ What is disturbing in the German attitude is that it betrays a very hegemonial mentality .
10 The most significant aspect of the New Historicism , political questions apart , is that it represents a move away from the contextless , intensive concentration on particular texts equally characteristic of the New Criticism , classical structuralism , and deconstruction .
11 The traditional view of the visual system is that it involves a cascade of processing stages running from the retina to the ‘ association ’ cortex .
12 Bortoni-Ricardo 's main hypothesis about change in social structure associated with the change from rural to urban life is that it involves a move from an insulated network consisting largely of kinsfolk and neighbours to an integrated urban network where the links will be less multiplex and associated with a wider range of social contexts .
13 Well er we , we 've taken a , a , a policy view over the years because the group has a number of er very attractive er products and , and , and , and shareholders have frequently asked if was possible erm , to have concessions in all sorts of areas and the view we 've taken is that it involves a , a , a , a , a great deal of administration and that our real job is to er increase the profits of the business er , a as well as we can and then to pay dividends to the shareholders erm who will er , er , then use that money er , hopefully to buy a good number of our products .
14 Among the many good things in this life is that it exacts a full look at the worst of Waugh .
15 The conservative aspect of the new bourgeoisie is that it establishes a more durable form of capitalism , but as Becker does not see socialism as the only way of ushering in progress , this does not present a problem for him in his depiction of the new corporate bourgeoisie as promoters of development .
16 The importance of the concession theory is that it establishes a theoretical framework sympathetic to state intervention ; the company is a creature of the state , existing to promote the public welfare , and as such the state has the right to interfere in its internal affairs and need not confine itself to external , general-law regulation .
17 The problem with weight loss is that it takes a long time to get what you want .
18 Although it is frightening that so many people take Ecstasy to guarantee a ‘ good time ’ , what is more frightening is that it takes a Class A drug for them to feel they can lose their inhibitions .
19 The best thing about publishing is that it takes a book away from you and kills it .
20 The major problem with the method is that it takes a great deal of time , attention and patience .
21 But the difficulty with this discussion is that it lacks a firm point of reference because it can not be taken for granted that there should be two levels of offence , rape and procuring sex by threats .
22 As James Tobin pointed out in his comments on the Coen and Hickman paper , a feature of their approach which exposes it to criticism from those macroeconomists who accept some variant of the NAIRU hypothesis is that it lacks a coherent explanation of the relationship between unemployment , be it Keynesian , classical or some mixture of the two , and inflation .
23 Another , less known , effect of the tail rotor is that it requires a lateral cyclic trim offset to compensate for the sideways push which it applies ( Fig. 5.10 ) .
24 The other advantage of affray for the prosecutor is that it requires a less exacting proof of mens rea than is required for the offences against the person .
25 The drawback with equal partial allocation is that it presents a rather arbitrary account of events .
26 Its advantage is that it allows a far deeper and richer assessment to be made than the pen and paper exercise .
27 The first is that it preserves a clear field of fire for my missile troops .
28 Its interest , as will already be clear , is that it offers a prospect of closing the gap between fact and value , bypassing the issue of whether or how one can draw prescriptive conclusions from descriptive premisses alone : it affirms the apparently naive claim that to know how to act I have only to be sufficiently aware of myself and my surroundings .
29 A special feature of the Video Guide is that it offers a variety of lesson plans to fit different teaching situations .
30 In short , it is that it offers a way of by-passing ‘ the awkward corner ’ , Nearly twenty years ago Professor Joan Robinson observed that the predictable consequences of the attainment of near-full employment must , if institutions and attitudes did not accommodate themselves to the new circumstances , be so far to strengthen the power of the trade unions as to prompt a vicious spiral of wages and prices ; and that it would become chronic .
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