Example sentences of "is that the [noun sg] be " in BNC.

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1 The illusion is that the water is emerging from within the grotto .
2 If the focus is that the school is a good place for all , that it gives as well as takes , then it can gain a great deal of positive publicity .
3 Perhaps the only disappointment is that the money is to be shared equally , when a winning bonus would give the event the edge it deserves .
4 ‘ But the problem about heroin is that the money is so good that even the good people do it ’ .
5 I M P A Cs belief is that er if you get the trustee balance right , that 's the first place where the decision ought to be made , but there should be a fall back position which Good has given , which they they trustees could go to the regulator in the case of er not being able to solve things , but our feeling very much on surplus is that the money is there first for to pay pensions and until pensions are paid up to Inland Revenue levels whatever they are , then no money should go back to the company .
6 The assumption , which the project sets out to test , is that the State is increasingly withdrawing from the business of providing services but strengthening and widening its role as the regulator of services produced by others in the private and voluntary sectors .
7 It seems that the best explanation for the survival of this kind of insider knowledge is that the knowledge is reinforced by frequent close contact with other speakers , and this is best accessed by a theory of network ties , which when they are strong function as norm-enforcement mechanisms .
8 What I am trying to argue , however , is that the issue is not merely one of numbers , but one of culture .
9 The reason Taiwan 's normally placid students got upset is that the assembly is showing unexpected signs of vigour .
10 The substance of such an arrangement is that the debt is repaid over the primary period and the payments required by the debt should be apportioned between a finance charge for each accounting period and the effective reduction of the principal amount .
11 If the variometer is fluctuating and reading up on one side of the circle and down a little on the other , the probability is that the glider is not climbing at all but is just drifting further down wind .
12 John 's long held theory is that the pub was once the site of a tent theatre known as a ‘ penny gaff ’ or ‘ blood tub . ’
13 The point , is that the existence is presupposed of an objective order that enables us to distinguish meaningfully between " x is greater than y and " A judges ( thinks , believes , surmises , etc. ) that is greater than y " .
14 And the added twist is that the menu is at nineteen thirty three prices , or a donation to the Save The Children Fund .
15 The fundamental difference between them is that the PC was designed as a text and number processing system and , despite upgrades , this is still the case while the Macintosh was designed to handle graphics in exactly the same way as text .
16 There is a good overall correlation between the clinical symptoms in Crohn 's disease ( the ‘ activity indices ’ ) and the circulating CRP concentration ; but the important fact is that the correlation is not perfect .
17 Another simple deduction from Fig. 8.7(a) is that the orbit is quite eccentric ; had the orbit been circular , the velocity curve would be sinusoidal with a mean radial velocity of zero .
18 you see , but B T are not interested in that , all they 're interested in is that the wiring 's , you know that the boards are
19 Julian is asked whether this is a condition ; his reply is that the freedom is unconditional .
20 So , I think we should say we are sceptical , and I think the paper puts it correctly er , we are sceptical of whether the reforms of the first consortium in fact , is going to meet the needs in terms of new health area and I know that time will come , they 're talking about the lot , it 's gon na wonderful and that the our economies should get all I can say is that the likelihood is the only f the area committee er , so that residents can comment managers , but since we 've already had a nine hundred percent increase in senior management in the health service in the past five years up from nine hundred to over ten thousand at a cost of fifty to two hundred and fifty million pounds I 'm rather sceptical about that one as well !
21 The problem is that the criticism is misdirected , leading to frustration and disillusionment .
22 The important thing to ensure is that the measure is done in the same way each year so that true trends can be discerned by being able to compare like with like .
23 He said yesterday : ‘ The problem is that the law is artificial .
24 ‘ All I can say is that the law is the law and its enforcement requires no commendation from me . ’
25 My position is that the law is so constructed that in all probability , only the lucid , self-assertive patient who has a sympathetic , understanding doctor is able in most circumstances to have his way and be left alone , free from further interference , to die .
26 They want to see the elimination of the use of knives in crimes of violence , but their approach is that the law is adequate to deal with the problem and that nothing needs to be changed .
27 One is that the abuse is part of the way two people communicate over a long period of time .
28 Um one of the things that you sometimes find is that the abuse is characterised is something special , something secret , something that you should n't tell anybody else about because it 's our secret and you know what happens to people who tell secrets ?
29 An additional benefit is that the machine is easy to clean , meaning a reduction in labour time .
30 Most unintentional stalls occur , by definition , unexpectedly and usually the first obvious sign of what has happened is that the pilot is banging the stick on the rear stop with the nose still dropping — a frightening feeling .
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