Example sentences of "is that [conj] [pron] [vb past] " in BNC.

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1 The crux of the criticism directed at the Labour Party , in particular , is that while it provided food and medical help it did little to try to persuade the British government to end its policy of non-intervention towards Spain .
2 I think Mr is that before we set the .
3 What 's worse is that before he died all the people who looked after the animals had left and got jobs with other circuses .
4 When you have a very small , very select , very ladylike grammar school , joined with two rough and ready secondary moderns what basically happened in my view is that when they joined together the grammar school staff , or most of them , could n't cope with the rough and ready aspect the school they came to have .
5 ‘ All I can say is that when we brought in the Wheel yesterday there was no sign of the Scapegoat . ’
6 ‘ So what I 'm working up to telling you is that when he got silly he let anyone in that house .
7 The first thing that that litany reminds us of is that when it came to success , in the immortal words of Mae West ( put into her mouth by scriptwriter Vincent Lawrence ) , goodness had nothing to do with it .
8 All I know is that when I went out this morning I found the poor little thing , run over .
9 ‘ All I know is that when I reached the house Barak was dead .
10 ‘ All I know is that when I entered the house someone coshed me .
11 Right just one last thing that we need to think about is that as I said with the with the learning styles , there 's no right or wrong
12 Most temporary workers were fired as well as hired , and the implication is that if they had not been used the organisations concerned would have had to practise some other form of " hire and fire " strategy .
13 Their case is that if they had been properly and correctly advised as they were entitled to be under the contract , they would not have proceeded to exchange or to completion .
14 All you need to know about Maxwell is that if everybody behaved as he did , the economy would soon collapse in an explosion of selfish parasitism .
15 th , th again , again you see the strength of this course is that if nobody had actually given you time like , you 'd have never known .
16 Now the the problem with the dealing with I I suspect with the major exceptions policy is that if you had it could you move fast enough in order to cope with that sort of animal appearing on your horizon which you wanted to capture .
17 So what we say is that if you took all of our products all our ads they would be somewhere in the region of six hundred pounds .
18 Oh well that 's really turning it round , is n't it ? erm My feeling is that it would work very well provided there was a , a safeguard , and that is that if you wanted to argue you could .
19 The theory is that if he stayed with the females throughout the year , he would compete with them for food and would probably take the best of what was available .
20 Anyway , the fact is that if it had n't rained in Japan , if he had n't withdrawn from the race after a few laps and waited until the weather improved , he , not James Hunt , would have been champion .
21 The difficulty , for the commission , is that if it abandoned the present formula , it would face exactly the same problems as national governments , seeking to foster advanced technology but fearful of the temptation of ‘ backing winners ’ .
22 The trouble with this is that if it did n't work it might be because the conditions and catalysts are wrong .
23 The most simplistic answer to critics of the lobby is that if it did not exist , politicians and journalists would have to invent it .
24 The fact is that if I had n't taken part in the BBC television previews of the big event I would probably be riding my old friend Bonanza Boy .
25 But the harsh reality is that if I had n't been picked by England for the tour to India , I would have struggled to make ends meet this winter — I do n't know what I would have done .
26 I sometimes like to think it was my eloquence , but the fact of the matter is that if I had got up on my hind legs and suggested a bit of Karaoke instead of the morning service , they would have leaped at it .
27 The irony of her life is that if she had enjoyed a happy marriage these qualities may have remained dormant .
28 The first is that if she stayed it would look as if the Conservatives were resorting to desperate measures .
29 Do your kids go up to School then is that where they went ?
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