Example sentences of "is not [adv] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Thus , the FIATA freight forwarder is not generally the actual carrier of the goods , although it can carry the cargo in vehicles or vessels it owns or has leased or of which it is the designated operator .
2 The Minister of State is not yet the Foreign Secretary and there is little time left for him to become Foreign Secretary .
3 Remember , if the buyer is borrowing on the security of a mortgage of the registered property , that the buyer is not yet the registered proprietor , and accordingly a land charges search in bankruptcy on the appropriate land charges form should be made against the buyer on behalf of his or her mortgagee in the unregistered Land Charges Register .
4 The target for the injury is not infrequently the genital area ( Kushner 1967 ) , although other parts of the body , including the eyes , can be involved .
5 While the Christian spirit with which many view criminals is admirable ( turning cheeks , emptying pockets of stones , getting social work reports ) and results in increased appreciation of why so many succumb to crime , it is not nearly the whole story .
6 The true population of genes , which constitutes the working environment of any given gene , is not just the temporary collection that happens to have come together in the cells of any particular individual body .
7 The rise in local politics over recent years is not just the passive outcome of national forces working themselves out at the local level .
8 It is not just the absolute increase in military expenditure and its continuation in the whole of the post-war period which has led people to fear the creation of a military-industrial complex .
9 It is not just the great majority of the people of Scotland who have suffered at the hands of Lamont and the Tory Government , but people all over the UK .
10 But it is not just the current interest rate that affects people 's expectations of the future direction of interest rates .
11 But it is not just the strong smells of food , but the metaphorical smells of corruption and moral and social decay which are suggested by the inclusion of such items in his work .
12 Partly , this is a matter of teacher supply : in certain areas of the country it is not just the National Curriculum that is at risk — it is any curriculum .
13 It is not just the Latin American economies which are hurting .
14 It is not just the initial charge but also the upkeep — permanently tinted or lightened hair will need the roots retouching regularly .
15 This gives a lighter , cleaner taste which does n't overpower and illustrates the fact that it is not just the obvious oily herring , mackerel and salmon which have the body to withstand a mustard onslaught .
16 The distinguishing feature of the ‘ Socialist camp ’ is not just the obvious limitations imposed upon the state sovereignty of its members , but the centrality of relations between parties .
17 Because of the geographical location of King 's Cross and its easy connections to other parts of the country , it is not just the obvious choice but the only choice .
18 But it is not just the popular press who have argued such a case .
19 It is not just the taking part that counts ( see extra time and professional foul ) .
20 It is not just the choral singing that puts this new Messiah up with the very best .
21 And it is not just the top man 's name which some women find baffling about Europe .
22 Their criticism is not simply the embittered jealousy of defeated leaders ; it represents a feeling of betrayal .
23 He argues that the ‘ local state ’ is not simply the national state writ small , and that a general theory of the state can not be applied to the local level .
24 The reason is not simply the preliminary nature of the manuscript .
25 ‘ Law and order ideology ’ — as we shall be using the phrase — is not simply the unexceptionable belief that society should be governed by law , and crime effectively controlled .
26 One reason for this , I would suggest , is that Brief Encounter is not simply the tearful tale of heterosexual romance that it appears to be : beneath , or alongside , or overlapping this narrative is another , quite specifically related to the homosexuality of its author .
27 ( It is not exactly the right answer because of the rough averaging procedure we used to arrive at the direct effects . )
28 I realise that a parking space next to an overflowing litter bin , in between a lorry full of cattle carcasses and a carload of adolescents playing heavy metal with their windows open on a sound system loud enough for Wembley Stadium , is not exactly the quintessential southern English landscape that would inspire a Constable painting , a Betjeman poem or an Elgar concerto — but it is the best you are going to get . ’
29 Well in when you 're considering the the possible merger of the three health authorities , they have n't positioned any one particular private er , provider unit is , is not really the crucial issue at hand !
30 ‘ Hearing ’ is not really the right word for this faculty , because we immediately relate it to our own highly specific sense of hearing .
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