Example sentences of "is not [verb] [adv] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally , of course , this does work , but it carries the risk of an even more painful separation later if the pledge is not renewed gladly and willingly on both sides .
2 The time resolution is not stated explicitly but seems to be a small number of minutes .
3 Our concern is with that huge category of stock which is not issuing well and which fills our valuable storage space : the nineteenth-century biographies ; the classics of politics and philosophy ; the long journal runs ; the multi-volume histories ; the ‘ complete ’ works ; the novels , plays and studies of and by yesterday 's men and women ; the giant topographical histories — the accumulated cultural and historical heritage that lies heavily on the stacks and on the reference shelves .
4 The swing is pushed and is not pushed again until it has come right back to its starting point .
5 Thse observations suggest that HCO 3 - is not absorbed directly but rather as a result of H + secretion via apical Na + /H + exchange .
6 Development is not viewed simply as the product of the child-rearing regime adopted by parents ; it is an interactive process , where the child influences the mother 's behaviour as much as the mother the child .
7 In the first place they may want to do no more than ensure that the Constitution is not altered casually or carelessly or by subterfuge or implication ; they may want to secure that this important document is not lightly tampered with , but solemnly , with due notice and deliberation , consciously amended .
8 It is a prerequisite for the smooth running of the financial markets that this trust is not abused so that the public 's confidence in the financial markets is maintained .
9 There is no escape from it — that Damocles sword of a war on the first day of which all the chartered covenants of princes will be scattered like chaff : a race war which will subject the whole of Europe to devastation by fifteen or twenty million , and which is not raging already because even the strongest of the great military states shrinks before the absolute incalculability of its final result .
10 If I act on the maxim that I will not do things which will hurt Mary 's feelings , that is not universalised simply because I will that all should avoid hurting Mary 's feelings .
11 The situation could easily get worse if something is not done immediately and I suggest moving the travellers away from the centre of town to the outskirts onto a piece of disused land for example until a short-term site has been rented or a permanent site set-up .
12 Certain workers have been monitored for internal contamination by radionuclides and exposure to other forms of radiation such as neutrons since the 1950s , but this is not done routinely and monitoring methods can be unreliable .
13 The amount is not fixed firmly and the doctor will in no circumstances be told to stop prescribing necessary medicines .
14 This may be true of the common-or-garden use of the word idea , but when a philosopher like John Locke says that a man is not speaking intelligibly unless his words ‘ excite the same ideas in the hearer which he makes them stand for in speaking ‘ i it is not just a way of talking .
15 This is not to say that the overshadowing mechanism is not operating here or to deny that such a mechanism may be responsible in other cases for observed acquired distinctiveness effects .
16 The extent of the obligation to state the reasons on which a legislative measure is based is not defined once and for all but must be determined on the basis of the particular facts of each case .
17 The hypothesis states that the form taken by any natural organised object or living thing , whether a crystal or an embryo , is not determined solely or indeed initially by the physical laws at present recognised by science .
18 If the teaching is not orientated so that these goals may be reached , then what is achieved will not appear rewarding and so will cause discouragement and frustration ( River 1964 pp 57,170 ) .
19 ‘ START 2 is not going anywhere until START 1 is ratified by everyone and everyone joins the NPT as a non-nuclear state , ’ laments an American official .
20 But when someone has AIDS , he or she may be unwell from a number of illnesses because the body 's defence or immune system is not working properly and can not fight infections .
21 A referral may be made , for example , where the s8 order is not working well or fulfilling its original purpose .
22 This is not interpreted so as to compel a solicitor in overseas practice to maintain cover in excess of the current levels prescribed by the Solicitors ' Indemnity Rules , though local requirements may have that result .
23 The model is clearly unsatisfactory in a number of respects ; for example , the absence of investment , the failure to allow for the fact that the incidence of unemployment is not spread evenly and of its consequent distributional effects , and the assumption that prices are rigid but quantities are perfectly flexible .
24 A further difference is that the other language , English , is not learned naturally and probably has to be ‘ taught ’ rather than simply acquired through access .
25 It is not taken seriously as academic or professional psychology .
26 Information on expenditure is not held centrally and could be provided only at disproportionate cost .
27 When it comes to operational issues and manpower , the stock answer is that information on the running costs of individual units is not held centrally and could be provided only by the use of disproportionate time and effort , yet the Minister criticises us for not being more specific .
28 A minor fault prevents the cannon firing this turn , perhaps the fuse is not set properly or maybe the crewmen mishandle the loading procedure .
29 The prices quoted for convertible loans and convertible prefs include any accrued interest/dividend ; this is not shown separately as for gilts and many debentures and loans .
30 If therefore the real world is not shown perceptively and sensitively , there is both a loss of vision and of sensitive emotion .
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