Example sentences of "is a [adj] [noun sg] [pron] " in BNC.

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1 She is a discouraged child who needs love . ’
2 Well this one is a wee bit I think .
3 SHAKMA ( 20/20 ) Roddy McDowall is a mild-mannered professor who accidentally makes a Frankenstein 's monster from a lab baboon .
4 But because , in terms of our Christian moral code , this is a shameful matter we are inclined to push it to one side and to assume that kinship is the equivalent of " blood relationship " which implies , or should imply , biological connection .
5 Thus , ‘ pro-Zionism ’ is a rhetorical move which serves to fuel the argument against the ‘ pro-Palestinians ’ .
6 ‘ That is a substantial achievement which represents lives saved and massive destruction prevented . ’
7 Asked about TV advertising Mr Murray outlined the planned advertising campaign and concluded by saying , ‘ Unfortunately there is a limited budget which will not stretch to TV advertising .
8 It follows , therefore , that out of this sum only have the character of being realised surplus-value. if we recognise that capitalist consumption — α — is a limited quantity which is relatively inelastic , represents that part of surplus-value embodied in consumption goods which is ‘ saved ’ .
9 This hardly looks the same principle , but the connection lies in the fact that for Kant the sense in which every person is an end is that each is a rational agent who , as such , should be conceived as potentially cooperating with me in settling upon and living by universal principles of behaviour taken as binding on all rational agents .
10 ‘ It 's partly because she has got herself cornered economically , and partly because deep down she thinks there is a nationalist string she can pluck to her electoral advantage .
11 The Water Rail is a rare bird which usually makes its home near water .
12 And it is a rare judge who will explicitly base a decision on the opinion of ‘ intelligent men of commerce ’ .
13 It is a rare Scotsman who does not have a tale or two about a favourite pet or a loved relative who has been felled by their fangs .
14 It is a rule-articulated association which leaves its citizens free to pursue their own interests ; civil association is not constituted for any common purpose .
15 It is a Korean word which simply means ‘ country ’ .
16 The result is not that the user of the aid hears the phone conversation , but rather that there is a loud hum which drowns out everything else .
17 He can identify the participants : the addressor is a young scientist who is being interviewed by the addressee who is doing research on language .
18 Allan Chapman & James is a young company which is building itself an excellent reputation in the area as commercial insurance brokers .
19 The white-sock dealer , it seems , is a young jack-the-lad who lives with mum and dad , has access to their telephone , offers ridiculous fax prices to the hungry punter and is well pleased with his £50 profit margin .
20 The traveller , we now discover , is a young man whose ailing parents want him to stay within reach .
21 The third example is a young man who falls into the rare category of those who pose a serious threat to public safety , a threat which in some instances exists for only weeks or months , although occasionally a person may remain potentially dangerous for some years .
22 ‘ Among those unable to be with us today , ’ continued the colonel , ‘ is a young man who followed Lieutenant Harvey into the enemy trenches and then killed four , perhaps five German soldiers before later stalking and shooting another , finally killing a German officer before being tragically killed himself by a stray bullet when only yards from the safety of his own trenches . ’
23 Wizadora is a young wizard who has n't yet mastered her magic spells — and as a result her magic often goes wrong !
24 It could be that your plant is in the wrong spot , or that it is a young plant which has yet to reach the flowering stage .
25 THIS year 's recipient of the Memorial Trophy is a young boxer who is coached at Meadowbank Boxing Club .
26 In the end , the question of whether a function is a public one is a political question which may not always be answered in the same way .
27 In England the courts are almost certain to take the view that the way taxes are spent is a political question which the courts are not the proper bodies to consider , and that no taxpayer has sufficient interest to raise this matter in court .
28 The other is a political ethos which has structured the vocabulary with which economic distress can be addressed around the archetypal notion of regeneration .
29 ‘ In the end it is a political decision which will be taken by the council of ministers with the views of officials placed before them , ’ said Mr Claridge .
30 ‘ Quite honestly , no politician worth his salt says there is a political job he would not do . ’
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