Example sentences of "is a [noun] [to-vb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ It took virtually the whole of my grandmother 's legacy to buy out the lease — all I 've got left is a bit to keep me going until I start to show a profit .
2 It comes complete with all fittings for usual tap-threads , and all you will need is a wrench to tighten it in position to comply with the law — incidentally , a fine of up to £400 can be imposed for non-compliance with the law !
3 It comes complete with all fittings for usual tap-threads , and all you need is a wrench to tighten it in position .
4 This is common practice , but it is a mistake to overdo it .
5 That he could not command the bench of bishops into a unified stance on political affairs reflects less upon him than upon the variety of episcopal origins and experience : royal clerks may have been increasing among the bishops , but it is a mistake to regard them as if they were all identical in background and outlook .
6 It is my contention that entrenchment and cynicism both reflect and serve to heighten an atmosphere of demoralization ; that they arise as a result of a semi-conscious decision by teachers about how to cope with doubts and demands ; that while this stance often seems the only possible option it is a mistake to adopt it ; and that through insight into the dynamics of the decision-making process , a better stance can be found , even in very trying circumstances , that offers a greater opportunity for personal satisfaction and institutional success .
7 On the other hand , it is a mistake to assume they will grow to any size on indifferent soil .
8 They argue , somewhat surprisingly , that it is a mistake to meet it by trying to ‘ upgrade the imagined simulation in hopes of finally winning Searle 's concession that at last its states have achieved intrinsic intentionality ’ .
9 It is a privilege to pay them this small token of respect .
10 However , it would be better to err on the side of too much courtesy , and so , ‘ Sire , ’ he said firmly , ‘ if there is a way to get you out , we will find it . ’
11 I do think it is a possibility to use him as a substitute to come on when there s more space around on the pitch .
12 It is even possible to take a package holiday to view a total eclipse of the sun wherever there is a chance to see it ( Hawaii , 1991 ) .
13 If you have a special lamb recipe , here is a chance to share it with others — and win a tremendous trip ‘ down under ’ .
14 This is a chance to review them .
15 There is a proposal to send you — when you have completed basic training , naturally — to the Netherlands .
16 Ward ( 1979 ) noted with alarm the signs of what he called ‘ Frontier man 's fright ’ whereby after working in an area for some time without apparent response from professional colleagues in related disciplines there is a tendency to desert it just as its true worth is to be recognized by others :
17 It is a question which is relevant at all levels , from taking on a gardener to employing a managing director , but there is a tendency to treat it merely as a formality .
18 Rather than recognizing our feelings there is a tendency to submerge them beneath suitably comfortable ideas about the nature of old age , such as older relatives ' diminishing needs , lower expectations and contentment with the loneliness and idleness of their lives .
19 Multiprotocol is something of a misnomer — currently only TCP/IP and SNA are supported , although there is a promise to extend it to Open Systems Interconnection in the future .
20 And indeed , from this lofty site Loch Arkaig itself is a vision to make you burst into song .
21 It is a relief to hear him taking the Trio at the same speed as the Scherzo , and not inexplicably slowing down like so many others .
22 When one master tires of a slave , it is a commonplace to sell him to another . ’
23 After years of thinking of Bailey in terms of neutral tones , within the technical restrictions of black and white , it is a shock to see him using slashes of colour : yellow , red , blue , green .
24 To say that it is a duty to do it is to say that its consequences would be better than those which would ensue from any alternative .
25 There is a lot to pity them for — the stories touch on ghetto hardships , on murders and deportations .
26 The courts do not appear to consider that legal representation is an absolute requirement of the rule although there is a readiness to imply it if procedural rules are silent .
27 When a tragedy occurs , and society has to confront its ragged edges , there is a temptation to tidy them away by amending the law — yet legal mandates create conflicts and dilemmas of their own .
28 ‘ Maybe all you need is a ring to get you into my bed . ’
29 Perhaps this is a challenge to put it at the centre of our lives , to think about it and , this Lent , to read the story as if we were there .
30 It is a reason to accept it as a way of being kind to a friend .
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