Example sentences of "is [Wh adv] [pers pn] 's [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 • This is how it 's done in England and Wales — not in Scotland .
2 You are stressing now how difficult the whole word is ( photograph ) but how easy it is when it 's broken down ( pho-to-graph ) .
3 He confesses this is why he 's started leaping out in uncharacteristic new directions which discomfit the regulars , playing with bright colours and polka dots when the world expects sludge and subtle stripes ad nauseam .
4 It will then go through a container now that container , ultimately , will contain this is why it 's called a container !
5 So smell is very important , erm s and this is why it 's called aromatherapy .
6 Assertion comes into being when you still bring the conversation back this is what I want nothing else will do , and bringing it right the way back all the time to discuss what it is why it 's called a broken record exercise , we 'll give it a quick go now .
7 ‘ Hong Kong is where he 's based .
8 ‘ That 's where he likes playing best and is where he 's managed to weigh in with some vital goals . ’
9 ‘ This is where it 's determined ; this is where it began ; this is where it will end . ’
10 The Hercules is wherever it 's needed .
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