Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [adj] that we " in BNC.

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1 But since all the animals we eat receive their protein from plants , it is becoming accepted that we can bypass our carnivore cravings and eliminate most , if not all , animal flesh from our diet without suffering undue harm .
2 ‘ The public is becoming aware that we can cater for all financial needs , from cheque books to travel insurance .
3 ‘ The public is becoming aware that we can cater for all financial needs , from cheque books to travel insurance .
4 What the right hon. Gentleman should bear in mind , if he cares about real prosperity for this country , is making sure that we get the economic basics of inflation and the exchange rate correct so that we can get sustainable investment for the long term , not the short-term gimmicks that the right hon. Gentleman embraces .
5 and as bread winners for your family , and the way we do that is making sure that we have a parliamentary Labour Party of men and women , and that we 're a party of men and women at all levels , and all
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