Example sentences of "is [v-ing] [noun] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is helping members of President Bush 's own staff who are suing to avoid taking the test .
2 It goes every day and I can assure you that your cousin who is helping Germany to victory with her work will receive them very quickly . ’
3 A team in Bristol is helping women with bulimia overcome their binge-eating and purging .
4 A GIANT wall chart is helping staff at Portobello Branch to achieve their Royal Scottish sales target .
5 The interdisciplinary team is using approaches from anthropology , sociology , social psychology and cognitive science to understand the processes by which members of the lay public and others directly involved with some issue , such as the Chernobyl fallout , combine scientific information from ‘ official ’ sources with interpretations of their own experience into forms meaningful and useful to themselves in their own practical situations .
6 Intel Corp 's request for a US International Trade Commission investigation of Taiwanese manufacturer Twinhead International Corp ( CI No 2,168 ) seems to plunge into a very grey area : the company is claiming that the way the processor interacts with support components to implement memory management for paging software is patented , and that manufacturers using clones of iAPX-86 family chips — Twinhead is using chips from Cyrix Corp and Advanced Micro Devices Inc — are required to pay Intel a royalty of 1% of the wholesale price of their machines for use of the patented technique .
7 Sears is using EDI in pursuit of a ‘ quick response ’ strategy , whereby the process of restocking its retail outlets becomes more of a science and less of an art .
8 Another example , and it is a simple one , is using straw on farms .
9 Sales of shrink-wrapped software for Unix systems is outstripping growth in shipments of Unix hardware by nearly 2 to 1 , according to a new report by IDC Europe .
10 Sales of shrink-wrapped software for Unix systems is outstripping growth in shipments of Unix hardware by nearly two to one , according to a new report by International Data Corp 's IDC Europe .
11 We 're not only catering for Harlow people we are catering for people outside which is bringing money into Harlow helping the finance of Harlow and I think we are just progressing with the times .
12 ‘ Nicolo is bringing guests for dinner .
13 The long war with Russia has ended … now the Russian airline aeroflot is bringing aid from Britain
14 , using the word ‘ honourable ’ with a hint of irony , but hurriedly appears to correct any impression that he is opposing Brutus in case he had gone too far .
15 If you are king of a country in which six out of every ten people are Palestinians , and where Islamic fundamentalism is growing , you do not last long by siding with America against the man who is firing missiles into Tel Aviv .
16 Now that Ferrari is virtually certain to stay with Goodyear in 1992 , Pirelli is courting Benneton with promises of ‘ exclusive ’ tyres that would not be available to other ‘ customer ’ teams .
17 NEC is targeting use in workstation , high-end personal computer and multi-processing system applications .
18 For example , one of the things I 've been doing today is submitting titles for Waterstones ’ summer reading promotion ; they are sponsoring a 32 page supplement in Elle , and are doing a run-on .
19 ‘ Girton Council is waging war on waste .
20 Nottingham Forest 's new manager Frank Clark is demanding £5m for Keane but says Blackburn have only offered £3.5m .
21 IBM , the US computer giant , is demanding royalties from South Korean and Taiwanese clonemakers .
22 Alternative fuel use is gathering pace in countries like Austria , but the UK lags behind .
23 The UN Environment Programme is gathering information about ozone depleters , and there are some fears that it might add further chlorinated solvents to the list .
24 With the main outage completed and the holiday season pressure easing , TOP Team activity is gathering momentum at Torness after a couple of months in the doldrums , writes Executive Support Manager Mervyn Jenkins .
25 surely that also suits the , the people at the bottom because i be because the , the government is , is producing work in effect it means that the people at the bottom have jobs and , and can earn money and , and so they 're , they 're lot actually improves .
26 Now , ( a ) Yvonne has had a row with Dulcie and wo n't do her ballet , and ( b ) as the Ballet Club is producing Igor in July , they wo n't let it out again so soon .
27 Now Eleanor is Catering Manager in charge of the staff restaurant at STB Headquarters in Edinburgh .
28 Where Newco is acquiring shares in Target rather than its trade , Newco must also satisfy the purposive test in s13A(2) ( c ) of existing " for the purpose of holding shares in a qualifying company which is under its control " at the time the managers subscribe their shares .
29 A capitalism connection is relevant in the 1840s and 1850s when Darwin is applying division of labour theory to the problems of divergence ( Schweber , 1980 ; Ospovat , 1981 ) .
30 Woodway Park School , Coventry , is assembling kits for bio-reactors — special vessels in which bacteria can be put to work — and selling them at a profit to other schools across the country .
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