Example sentences of "is [det] [noun] [verb] that " in BNC.

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1 It is little compensation to know that no fewer than six earned themselves the VC ; myth has it that they were all won before breakfast .
2 There is little evidence suggesting that unemployment and the poor economic conditions did undermine the overall economic position of the working class during the inter-war years , although monetary wages were reduced constantly until the mid-1930s and wages did decline as a proportion of home-produced income during the early and mid-1930s .
3 Even if true , there is little evidence to show that the bulk of hospital care is particularly sensitive to meeting the needs of deprived populations .
4 The already high incidence of vascular disease in non-diabetic western populations appears to be still higher in diabetic subjects and , although there have been suggestions of a specific diabetic large-vessel disease ( Lundbaek , 1973 ) , there is little evidence to suggest that atherosclerotic lesions in diabetics are distinct from those in non-diabetics ( Strandness et al , 1964 ) .
5 Somewhat surprisingly , there is little evidence to suggest that a city 's industrial structure in itself accounts for poor urban performance ( Fothergill and Gudgin , 1982 ) .
6 As was intimated in the introduction , although there is little evidence to suggest that sexual behaviour changed greatly in the period , the feeling remained for many people at the time that this was nevertheless what was happening .
7 Whilst Chesterton 's later justified reputation of being one of the most rabid anti-semites connected with British fascism would suggest that this was like asking a cat to drink a bowl of cream , there is little evidence to suggest that prior to his involvement in the BUF he viewed the world primarily through anti-semitic spectacles , despite being a second cousin to such notorious anti-semites as Cecil and G.K. Chesterton .
8 There is little evidence to suggest that between 1935 and 1939 Nizan 's defence of the revolutionary Soviet state was anything other than unswerving and total .
9 Again there is little evidence to suggest that he made a significant contribution to the work of the court .
10 However , there is little evidence to suggest that these give better estimates of opinions which are any more accurate for these purposes than those yielded by carefully chosen quota samples .
11 But there is little evidence to suggest that where a TNC has actually survived indigenization , its effective control has been very much affected .
12 And although Whig observers typically suggested that Jacobite agents had " animated the mob " , there is little evidence to suggest that this was the case .
13 It is little surprise to read that : —
14 There is little reason to suppose that the consequences of these changes will in themselves lead farm workers to become more militant .
15 There is little reason to believe that this will not be the pattern in the future too .
16 Soviet cases with political implications were given a great deal of publicity in the West , but there is little reason to believe that the great majority of cases in the Soviet Union were dealt with any less fairly than elsewhere .
17 With regard to traditional conflicts of interest , which are also liable to be efficiency-reducing , there is little reason to think that the separation of ownership and control has contributed significantly to the scope for management self-dealing , but it does pose problems for the effectiveness of the mechanisms that regulate it , the design of which is premised on shareholder involvement .
18 Such a move was clearly designed only to better a bad situation rather than remedy it completely , since it would be expected that the availability of refined sugar would be subject to the same seasonal fluctuations as availability of gur , and there is little reason to suspect that refined sugar was more readily available than the ( unrefined ) gur .
19 There is little reason to doubt that they are being incarcerated because of their trade union membership .
20 There is little reason to doubt that these pristine people are able to impart their special vision to those whom they choose to be the recipients of their ancient knowledge .
21 For the moment , there is little reason to doubt that he regards ‘ internationalism ’ as the highest form of patriotism .
22 Whether annexation was a long-term aim in Japan is debatable ; what is clear is that Japanese believed that their nation 's security necessitated a hold on power in Korea of a kind which could only be achieved by colonial status .
23 One answer is that courtship ensures that animals mate with other individuals of the correct species , sex and condition .
24 The truth is that Labour knows that it has no creditable system with which to replace our proposals .
25 What we do know is that pre-emption means that no fewer than half the power stations ' fuel markets in England and Wales are entirely removed from the danger of competition .
26 Now that was her excuse but there is some evidence to say that she 'd got a big investment in weaving machine and I think she was a little bit worried er that these might take over from .
27 There is some evidence to suggest that this difference is critical .
28 There is some evidence to suggest that among the important determinants should be numbered the complexity of the stimuli ( Ellis and Muller 1964 ) , whether or not the stimuli look like recognizable objects ( Ellis , Muller , and Tosti 1966 ) , and the extent to which the labels match critical features of the stimuli ( Segal 1964 ) .
29 There is some evidence to suggest that the high costs of operating in the south and south east , and the growing skill shortage problem , are beginning to influence location decisions but the region seems set to retain its leading position for some time to come .
30 Finally , with respect to language issues , a variety of debates are still in progress and it is premature to draw firm conclusions ; however , there is some evidence to suggest that bilingualism may actually enhance educational performance ( Houlton , 1986 ) , that in the case of Afro-Caribbean pupils there may well be ‘ dialect interference ’ , although it is clear too that some of the problems here may derive from the negative attitudes of teachers towards Creole ( Edwards , 1979 ) , and that in the case of some Bangladeshi pupils lack of familiarity with English may be an obstacle to academic achievement ( House of Commons Home Affairs Committee , 1986 ) .
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