Example sentences of "is [det] [noun] [conj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 So , for whom is Belfast working ? — surely there is little hope that West Belfast will ever really work until the ‘ hidden agenda ’ is acknowledged and changed !
2 It is perhaps a measure of Leapor 's character that even where there is little hope that injustice will be overcome , she is willing to raise a protest .
3 But unless there is constant effort to innovate , unless new knowledge is applied more effectively , and unless research is more explicitly directed toward the problems of those most in need , there is little hope that societies will be able to overcome the difficulties they now face .
4 The poorest are the clear waters of ice-scoured uplands , where there is little soil or vegetation .
5 There is little likelihood that cereals played a minor role in the economy .
6 Dunning and co-workers ( 1986 ) further point out that there is little proof that soccer violence is caused by the excessive drinking of alcohol : many hooligans seldom drink prior to the match to keep a ‘ clear head ’ for any aggression which might take place .
7 There is little doubt that Francia was powerful , demonstrated by Byzantium believing in , and feeling threatened by , the Merovingian claims to hegemony ; Wood argues that the literary references to alliance between English kings and Francia may be viewed as a medium through which many Frankish goods entered England .
8 There is little doubt that Jesus performed many miracles during his ministry .
9 There is little doubt that Jesus was steeped in Essene doctrine and practice — including , as Josephus says , that of ‘ being perpetually conversant in the discourses of the prophets ’ .
10 There is little doubt that changes in teaching took place .
11 Nature may be beautiful but there is little doubt that Darwin was right when he observed that only the fittest survive .
12 Indeed , there is little doubt that UDC success and economic advantage go hand in hand .
13 But there is little doubt that price cuts in M&S food halls are intended to protect sales in premier products — which have been hit by price-cutting competitors .
14 However , there is little doubt that cases of child cruelty occur more often than they are observed .
15 There is little doubt that Hamer have achieved what they set out to do as far as producing great vintage guitar tones from contemporary instruments .
16 In conclusion , there is little doubt that mesalazine may cause nephrotoxic reactions .
17 There is little doubt that debt counselling , or money advice as it is also called , is the major ‘ growth ’ area among all CABx enquiries .
18 There is little doubt that Anisminic and O'Reilly have provided the courts with the tools to transform review into appeal if they choose to do so .
19 There is little doubt that doctors have been very successful in establishing high status , protection from lay criticism and favourable terms on which to define and monopolise work tasks .
20 The revival of takeover speculation — there is little doubt that European and Japanese buyers lurk — has occurred at a time when the merchant bankers , after a long period in the doldrums , are enjoying a rerating on trading considerations .
21 There is little doubt that Mrs Thatcher belongs to the camp of the mobilizers .
22 These days , there is little doubt that creatures possess a mind structure .
23 It becomes a matter of redefining priorities in the short and long term rather than naturally assuming that all change means ‘ bolted-on ’ activity , Once LMS is embedded in the educational culture there is little doubt that resources should be freed as there will be less and less need for central staff to be employed in the day-to-day operational management of schools .
24 The claims and counter-claims of the NUM and the NCB regarding the number of strikers were the focus of much debate , but in general if not specific terms there is little doubt that MacGregor 's ( 1986 , p. 341 ) claims for January 1985 were accurate :
25 And can not last : Reliable figures are had to find , but there is little doubt that Sarawak — an area about the size of England and Wales — is today probably supplying about one quarter of the total raw hardwood exports in the world .
26 Despite the difficulties in changing attitudes outlined in this chapter , there is little doubt that workers in mainstream social services provision were more prepared to accept the idea and practical implications of integration provision than those in mainstream education .
27 There is little doubt that breeding is their intent as they head out to sea , for their gonads have become fully developed .
28 Surely the proof of any pudding , however , is in the eating and there is little doubt that acupuncture has gained credence and acceptance in the past decade or so .
29 While there is little doubt that reform is the right course , the old sneer about Labour being in the pockets of union barons has actually lost any real justification .
30 However , there is little doubt that people are not yet accustomed to the idea of paying fees and are tempted to avoid it even when the final result may be better .
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