Example sentences of "is [vb pp] to [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A grammatical score is assigned to each grammar tag based on the probability of the transitions that it occurs in .
2 The solutions should then be discussed with the in-bureau tutor who is assigned to each trainee .
3 The attribute , describing the spherical seating of the lever into the cover , is assigned to both sets as attribute
4 This experience is referred to many times in the Cantos : what its author most values in theory , the weighing of syllables in the line and the leading on of the reader 's breath from one syllable to the next .
5 For a comprehensive account on the subject of private press and press books , the collector is referred to such books as Roderick Cave , The Private Press ( 1971 ) .
6 Demand for the restoration of capital punishment is regarded to this day by many politicians as a powerful torrent capable of bursting its banks and flooding the adjoining landscape .
7 The NAS 's report is the latest attempt to steer a course through the minefield of potential hazards from the hundreds of new chemicals that the public is exposed to each year .
8 I will make sure this is communicated to all staff through TOPIC as soon as this can be done .
9 The continuing commitment of top management to development people is communicated to all employees .
10 The coverage of the conservation area , which is one of the earliest created in North Yorkshire , dating from nineteen seventy two , not nineteen seventy as written , is limited to that part of the settlement which has notable village character and contains listed buildings .
11 Can you turn over the page again now , I want you to direct your attention to paragraph four point six of this report , which reads The boundary proposed for the conservation area is limited to that part of the settlement which retains its village character .
12 Firstly , the book is limited to those media which most absorbed people 's attention in the post-war era , and which met most fully the criteria of a mass medium — television , radio and newspapers .
13 We come finally to a statement which is controversial , and about which much of this chapter has been concerned : ( vii ) Stylistic choice is limited to those aspects of linguistic choice which concern alternative ways of rendering the same subject matter .
14 The language of section 20(1) ( iv ) ( b ) is wide enough to cover larceny by a bailee or part owner and embezzlement ; but it is a matter of dispute whether it does so or whether it is limited to those types of misappropriation , originally not criminal , for which the Act of 1901 was intended to provide .
15 Notwithstanding the fact that Dirks was found not guilty , the tests laid down in the case are of great significance : a tipper 's liability is contingent upon the purpose of his action ; while a tippee 's liability is limited to those situations where he knows or ought reasonably to know of the insider 's breach of duty .
16 Each manager is accountable for the work of his or her sections , departments , shops or whatever name is given to each division of the organisation .
17 That 's not to say that it can not create long documents , far from it , just that equal emphasis is given to each page by the program .
18 Once a family contacts or is referred to the referral scheme coordinator every assistance is given to that family to link into their local community group to ensure that the group is physically suitable and that any special assistance needed to enable the child to attend the group and enjoy its activities is provided .
19 It 's a shame that someone as obviously capable of expressing himself as you is given to such bursts of undisguised racism and ignorance .
20 Though enunciation is given to such feelings on occasion , it is by no means pervasive .
21 The less money is given to such homes , the less is available for the ’ little extras ’ to which I have referred .
22 He was the first gold medal winner ( 1902 ) of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy , his obituary in Nature noting : ‘ It is given to few men to discover a process which has had such a far-reaching effect in almost every branch of civilised life . ’
23 Responsibility for drafting the bill and printing is borne by the Member although financial assistance is given to the first ten members and drafting assistance is given to any member whose bill appears to have a chance of becoming law .
24 All our joys and sadnesses come from our emotions , yet little consideration and thought is given to these factors that have a decisive effect on our happiness .
25 A system of management must be put in place for the new firm which : ( a ) does not diminish the influence over the firm 's affairs which individual partners have formerly enjoyed ; and ( b ) which ensures that particular attention is given to those matters which proved most difficult to agree during the course of the merger negotiations .
26 If the initial exposure is given to some flavour other than that used for the test phase , then both the habituation of neophobia ( Siegel 1974 ) and latent inhibition ( Tarpy and McIntosh 1977 ) are attenuated but may still occur to some extent — the degree of generalization will presumably depend upon the extent to which the pre-exposed flavour and the test flavour are perceived as similar .
27 Your love is given to another man ! ’
28 The term saprolite is given to this type of regolith and it reflects the operation of isovolumetric weathering , that is , weathering accomplished without any change in volume .
29 Some , though not unequivocal , support is given to this argument by a study of the Isle of Sheppey ( Pahl , 1984 ) .
30 A final twist is given to this situation ; the fact that women do all of this work is often given as an explanation of their inferiority .
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