Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [coord] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If they pay a service charge they have the right to obtain a summary of the costs on which their service charge is calculated and to inspect the accounts and receipts on which the summary is based .
2 Check carefully for leaks as the cistern is filled and adjust the float arm so the water level is 50mm below the overflow level .
3 As by the time any new formula is developed and implemented the information will be nearly as out of date as that used in the RAWP review , any new analysis may be little more informative than the last with respect to the role of social variables .
4 Effective leadership seeks to integrate these three elements so that each is optimised and enhances the other two .
5 The presence of an antithetic fault on the hanging wall margin can give the impression of a symmetric rift valley if it is exposed and forms an escarpment , even though the overall structure is asymmetric .
6 You should enter the name of each of your students when the first test is received and maintain an ongoing record of the following information in respect of each test : —
7 The dietician is consulted and provides a commercially made liquid diet which will give Mr Reynolds the nutrients he needs and is high in calories and protein .
8 The evidence for grain-milling in small towns is limited but includes the third century building with two millstones in the Kate 's Cabin suburb at Water Newton , the three millstones in the yard of building 16 at Springheads and the very large millstone at Wanborough , which implies the use of water or other mechanical power .
9 100 acres of rainforest is devastated and disappears every minute of every day , cutting off our lifeblood , YOUR AIRSUPPLY .
10 If B is threatened with a tort it is , of course , equally true that he may bring an action for damages if the tort is committed or bring an action for a quia timet injunction first , but , especially where the threat is of violence , it is perhaps less realistic to say that these legal remedies afford him adequate protection against the consequences of resistance .
11 The safest course , in view of the Revenue 's Statement , must be either to complete the transfer ( if by agreement ) before the marriage is dissolved or to have the transfer made the subject of a court order and so usually fall within the provisions of s10(1) .
12 Oestrogen is thought to reduce the rate at which bone is dissolved and to increase the rebuilding process .
13 The lake is frozen and provides a pleasant path to the back of the cwm .
14 But if the Section Sergeant goes in for any necessary purpose , the Inspector comes in , he is reported and gets a severe reprimand from his superiors for idling his time in the Station .
15 There are of course references to work in progress — a letter from Matisse on the installation of ‘ La Danse ’ at the Barnes Foundation : ‘ the panel is installed and suits the architecture , from which it seems inseparable ’ , as well as a melancholy reflection on the nature of drawing by Matisse from 1940 : ‘ A colorist 's drawing is not a painting .
16 Furnished in a modern style the hotel is airconditioned and has a lift .
17 If he is defeated and forces a byelection , the party would probably be obliged to expel him .
18 This is like taking for granted the will of the person to whom the request is made and leaving no room for him to say no — treating him as an instrument — whence the tone of excessive familiarity .
19 When the decision is made and implemented the foreseen obstacles tend to evaporate .
20 An evening dress , for instance , would be modelled while the sales clerk answers questions about it , describes the material from which it is made and discusses the sizes and price .
21 The application shall state the proposed terms , the grounds on which it is made and include a signed statement of the debtor 's means .
22 If the lock is picked , the Daemon is freed and attacks the lock-picker .
23 Australian and New Zealand players are set to make short trips to South Africa as early as next year when the Super Six series is expanded and called the Super Ten .
24 Among the more interesting examples are the Abbeys of Moreruela , 1169 , near Zamora , which is ruined but retains a complete chevet , of Veruela , 1170 , in Aragon and the famous Abbey of Poblet , 1151–96 , in Catalonia .
25 The author explains the various theories of how the lexicon is organized and illustrates the ways in which theory has been applied in both teaching materials and reference books .
26 After that you will do whatever work is needed and have the aircraft delivered at the weekend , to the destination in France that my secretary will notify you of . ’
27 Because we are dealing with what purport to be exceptions to a general principle , it is sometimes argued that there is no single legal principle of justification , merely a number of disparate responses to the specific factual and legal details of a particular case.13 Alternatively , a general principle of justification is advanced and given the name of ‘ necessity ’ or ‘ privilege ’ or some kind of ‘ comprehensive justification in relation to medical procedures ’ .
28 The 16- or 17-year-old is conclusively presumed to be ‘ Gillick competent ’ or , alternatively , the test of ‘ Gillick competence ’ is bypassed and has no relevance .
29 When bees swarm , for instance , which happens when any given colony gets too big , a new queen is produced and departs the hive with a group of followers .
30 Where the events occur after the contract was made and the contract is avoided or frustrated the effect is not the same ( see below ) .
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