Example sentences of "is [vb pp] [adj] for [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is considered essential for employers and students to have access to easily understood information about the types of qualifications offered by the many institutions across the spectrum of the European countries .
2 For our students the total number of units required is 16 , and although more than the minimum 12 necessary to gain the award of a Higher National Certificate , this is considered necessary for FT students who do not have the benefit of on-going industrial experience .
3 The plan is considered suitable for individuals who want to contribute £10,000 a year or more .
4 Are there boundaries to what is considered reasonable for kin to provide ?
5 A transvestite is somebody who wears the clothes of the other sex — in our society it is considered bizarre for men to wear wimmin 's clothing , though it is now common for wimmin to wear men 's clothing .
6 The study , by the Greater Glasgow Health Board , revealed that more than a tenth of all newborn babies in Glasgow entered the world with more lead in their blood than is considered safe for adults
7 SO Sarah Ferguson is deemed unsuitable for life as a Royal it seems to me many of the ‘ real ’ Royals are equally unsuitable .
8 This minimum is the optimum ; expenditure above or below it is deemed wasteful for society as a whole ( de Nevers , 1981 ) .
9 Proposals include ; increased powers which will allow environmental Health Officers to impound food which is deemed unfit for consumption , introduction of ‘ use by ’ rather than ‘ sell by ’ dates on perishable goods , registration of both food-selling premises and flocks of egg-laying hens , the pasteurisation of milk from sheep and goats , an increase in the control of temperatures at which food is stored , and the irradiation of some foods .
10 As with all our industrial estates land is made available for businesses who are seeking to create jobs and , in the event that you are interested in pursuing the allocation of a site I should be obliged to receive more details of your business activities and history ; the proposed use and development of any site ; the reasons behind your interest in a move ; and an indication of the prospects for the generation of employment .
11 Dissatisfied with the quality of many land availability studies , the DoE commissioned Coopers and Lybrand to carry out a study to assess and report on the varying assessments and assumptions about new housing made by the planning authorities and house builders , and to assess the extent to which both the provision in plans and land which is made available for housing takes account of the requirements of the market for new private sector housing' .
12 To implement the Children 's Traffic Club as soon as it is made available for use by General Accident .
13 However , the airline 's firm orders for 20 Airbus A321 medium-range jets and 28 McDonnell Douglas jets will not be delivered until the mid-1990s , and unlike some other European airlines , Alitalia is thought vulnerable for want of international partners and a strategy for deregulation of the European market after 1992 .
14 What is more difficult to predict into the middle of the next century is the proportion of the total population that this older group will constitute , because that depends upon the birth-rate , and the latter , if past experience is anything to go on , shifts unpredictably with transient social circumstances — such as the level of unemployment or whether or not there is a war — as well as with unstable social attitudes to child-bearing and the age at which it is thought suitable for women to bear children .
15 A product where the dosage must be finely calculated arithmetically from the instruction data provided to arrive at the quantity of product needed required more thought and more decisions than a product dispensed semi-automatically via a dispenser or one which is supplied ready for use .
16 What we mean by this is whether a syntactic analysis is carried out even when it is rendered unnecessary for sentence comprehension by the presence of semantic or pragmatic factors .
17 If the CEO or the manager of the group is held accountable for outcomes , then in the final analysis , he or she will have to agree with group decisions or have the authority to block them , which means that the group never really had decision-making power to begin with .
18 A manager who is held accountable for aspects of performance which he has no power or authority to control is in an impossible position .
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